Hi All,

Need your help - URGENT. I somehow managed to get pictures of the chassis of Disco 2 Landmark that I am thinking of buying.
It looks very rusty - though I am not sure if this is "good, bad or ugly" for a 2004 Disco 2 that has covered 102,700 miles.
Attaching the pictures - Can you please tell me if what I see here is all surface rust or corrosion?
If just surface rust - can it be treated? How much would it cost to get it treated and wax-oiled?

Pls let me know if this chassis looks good to you - I am not sure as this is the first time I am looking at a chassis...errr...of any car for that matter :(

Personally I would walk away from that. It seems fairly solid, which is why it is MOTd at the moment, but there is no protective coating at all on the metal, hence lots of surface rust beginning to get into the metal. Another year or so it will need welding, unless you fancy spending a lot of time an effort on cleaning and painting it, and spraying stuff inside.

The general appearance of the underside doesn't suggest to me a vehicle that has been particularly well loved and looked after.

If it is very cheap, could be a good runaround, or a project at around 1k or under, but only if you enjoy doing that sort of work, and are equipped and skilled for it.
The chassis looks OK structure wise but the body out riggers are starting to go. Once it's started there's no stopping it.
Thanks a lot Turboman and goonarmy - really appreciate it.
yeah - I thought it does not look good - however, want to confirm it with the experts.

And, definitely I am not skilled enough to take this as a project and treat the chassis - so, Its going to be a NO.
Will keep looking for my Discovery 2.

Hi guys - Its me again.. - still searching for my Disco 2.
Just came across a vehicle that is a 52 reg - However, when I looked up the vehicle history in DVLA site it says "date first used: 31st December 2003".
I thought 52 reg is for vehicles registered from Sep 2002 to Feb 2003.

Also, checked this vehicle registration in some other site that says,
"KR52 WLO is a Green 2004 Land Rover Discovery Td5 Adventurer with a numberplate first registered in Northampton between September 2002 and February 2003. This Hardtop was first used on the road on Friday 20th February 2004."
Does this mean, the number plate is older than the vehicle? and someone has used this number plate when registering this vehicle in late 2003? Why would anyone do this?

I am a little anxious because the MOT history of the vehicle shows NOT EVEN A SINGLE ADVISORY item in all these years? Is this possible?
And its a low mileage vehicle of 79k with four owners.
Does this mean, the number plate is older than the vehicle? and someone has used this number plate when registering this vehicle in late 2003? Why would anyone do this?
Yes, the plate and first use can be different. It may be a dealer pre-registration to meet quotas, or it may be that a previous owner was William Leonard Orwell or equally obscure.

I have an app now on my phone that actually lists fails, but not advisories. Not many of our works vehicles last until first MOT, but those that do get tested always pass first time, every time with zero advisories. Probably because they all spend 2days per month in the workshop due to the life they live. It means everything is picked up before it can become an advisory or fail. A check on that the reg you supplied leads to a first time pass every time, so meticulous maintenance could be at play there too.

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