Right, the paint is looking a bit shabby and to be honest I don't like the colour. So im thinking for re painting it (but not till the summer). Im thinking NATO light stone. A, I like the colour and B, its cheap and easy to get hold of. You never seen a Freelander with a different paint job.

Something like this.

What do you guys think?

I painted the panel under the front bumper, I call it the lips, in a fabulous Lamborghini orange .................. and I love it.
I'll post a pic as soon as I can.
Hi guys, new update.

I fancied a different paint job ect but iv got neither the skill or equipment to do it my self or the cash for a pro job. So I found some camo stickers on Amazon for £4.50. I love the effect. I reckon I can do the whole car for about £30.

What do you guys think?


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Good weekend this week. Yesterday i managed to pick up the OEM roof bars fro £60 then today had a great day at Avalanche Adventure. It was the Freelanders first proper off road outing and im so pleased with how its done. Not one tow needed all day.
Hi guys, new update.

I fancied a different paint job ect but iv got neither the skill or equipment to do it my self or the cash for a pro job. So I found some camo stickers on Amazon for £4.50. I love the effect. I reckon I can do the whole car for about £30.

What do you guys think?

Looking good, I may just give those a try rather than attempt to polish out the scratches! Got a link? Been through the first 20 pages of 'Camouflage sticker'...
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If you got those greyish 'camo' type colours, people would think your driving a prototype and you'll see pictures of your car appearing in the motoring press :)


That's basically "wrapping" - I quite fancy having that done, but not with the current Freelander - and not camo.
Hi guys, new update.

I fancied a different paint job ect but iv got neither the skill or equipment to do it my self or the cash for a pro job. So I found some camo stickers on Amazon for £4.50. I love the effect. I reckon I can do the whole car for about £30.

What do you guys think?

LOL, brought a smile to my face anyway. :)
Hi guys, im having some big issues with the Freelander. Basically, when just touching the throttle (when trying to maintain a constant speed), im finding the the engine struggles and generally runs like a pig. The engine management light will flash on and off randomly. Also when i pull up at lights the engine often starts to idle randomly between 1000 and 2500 rpm. Its fine when accelerating, under a heavy right foot its ok and with my foot off the pedal its ok. its just when lightly pressing the peddle.

Its almost un-drivable at the moment.

Any ideas of what it could be?
With my old Disco V8 it was the air flow sensor giving this type of problem (actually the connector block to it). Not sure if this relates to the L Series diesel.
Well guys, i started this thread in an attempt to show the Land Rovering community that there is a place for Freelanders. But its with a sad heart that i have to tell you i feel that i was wrong. In the short time that i have owned this Freelander it has been nothing but trouble. If it could go wrong, it has. Iv done nothing but pour money in to it. And finally this morning, she has died complementary (and spectacularly). On my commute to work the fan belt shredded and some how got sucked up by the timing belt. Well, you guys can guess the rest.

Maby the wider Land Rover community are wright or maby i just had a bad experience. ether way im now over £2000 out of pocket with nothing but a dead car to show for it.

I do not think i shal be going down the Freelander route again.
Truly sorry to hear this.
In fairness to Freelanders, mine has over 133,000 miles on it and has been mechanically trouble free.
Several electrical gremlins such as sunroof, windows, clock etc ...................... but the car has NEVER let me down or failed to get me home.

Suddenly nervous about the drive to work tomorrow!
Truly sorry to hear this.
In fairness to Freelanders, mine has over 133,000 miles on it and has been mechanically trouble free.
Several electrical gremlins such as sunroof, windows, clock etc ...................... but the car has NEVER let me down or failed to get me home.

Suddenly nervous about the drive to work tomorrow!

uuuuuuuwwwww,dont tempt fate:D:D
Ouch. That's a bloody shame. My '99 diesel has been a super car for reliability and very economic to run.

I'm not sure what your gremlins have been over the months - but your experience with the belts is not alone. I think you're the 3rd in the last year this has happened to on the forum.

I'm very careful with the belts on my motor. Only back in January, I changed the timing belt cos I could hear something strange (even though nobody else could!) and before I did that - I scrutinised the aux/drive/fan belt tensioner over and over again because that I think is the root cause for the belt going.

Bad luck - can see why your would, but don't give up on them, go out and get a good 'un!
I know of 1 L series with over 250000 on the clock and still running fine, my father in laws 2002 TD4 just passed 230000 first VCU change 169000 Injectors and turbo changed 156000 clutch at 200000 has never let him down.
Unlike his 2000 110 county thats allways letting him down

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