
Well-Known Member
At the end of last month the thermostat failed in my 200tdi Ninety. Failed in closed position so things soon got warm. My aftermarket temperature gauge that reads in numbers degrees gave good indication of the problem. Running my heater flat out got me to a spot where I was able to remove the thermostat and then get home.
No complaints about that one as had worked for years. Replacement [cheapy] was a dud [ failed boiling water test] so bought a "Quality" so the seller quoted [a well known large car parts company ] and it has lasted just three days!!:mad: Complaint gone in.
I have noted in other posts about poor quality parts.
My car a Focus has also had issues with a failed replacement driveshaft after just 2000ish k and brake caliper at less than 2 years.
Seller wants complete car history from the time new part fitted to when it failed, rather short in this case for Trans glob gobldygook.
I had to fill in a warranty form for a front driveshaft oil seal on the D2. The fitted and failed date was the same!
Fitted a Febi Bilstein drop link to the Focus once, it lasted 2 days.
Finding a good 200 stat is like hens teeth.
Waxstat were the make to get, then they no longer seemed to be around anymore.
At the end of last month the thermostat failed in my 200tdi Ninety. Failed in closed position so things soon got warm. My aftermarket temperature gauge that reads in numbers degrees gave good indication of the problem. Running my heater flat out got me to a spot where I was able to remove the thermostat and then get home.
No complaints about that one as had worked for years. Replacement [cheapy] was a dud [ failed boiling water test] so bought a "Quality" so the seller quoted [a well known large car parts company ] and it has lasted just three days!!:mad: Complaint gone in.
I have noted in other posts about poor quality parts.
My car a Focus has also had issues with a failed replacement driveshaft after just 2000ish k and brake caliper at less than 2 years.
By the way, if you're looking to save on car parts, I recently found an article with the best coupon sites. It might be useful to avoid similar part quality issues in the future!
Sometimes a good characterization is hard to find. But the right choice is worth all the effort.
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Finally had replacement thermostat yesterday the 15th.:( Fitted now and good [I hope]
Had a look in the tool roll that came with the Land Rover checking if there was an 8mm spanner in it in case of another fail, there is along with most of the original tools. :)

I felt a strange lump in the corner of the roll so weedled it out to find a shiny never used wading plug.
Only owned the truck thirty one years! :rolleyes::D:D

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