FFS wheres Slob with his input.

Sirus that was so predictable, bit like you maybe ?

TMHM we can all live in harmony just agree to disagree, i dont like him slagging me or other users off, he doesnt like my more relaxed proffesional approach.

Maybe i need to get a little gaggle of followers together who can all kiss my ar#e when someone has a pop at me.

Shall i start with:


Fancy it boys.

feck orf ya **** get yer mummy to kiss yer arse if your looking for sympathy

and that WAS intended to be offensive
Zippy - I think yu have an alterior motive!

the first post to mention anything to do with " slagging peeps orf" was this -

Well said Blippie, a good honest and simple response.

Pitty others dont understand the meaning of a simple and constructive post.

To answer the original question, get your concerns with this particular car sorted before committing to the purchase, me personally i would always avoid the 1.8 petrol but as already posted a later model TD4 should give you no major worries.

Enjoy the car.

and that had nothing to do with Slob.
so let me get this right ,,,, once you become a senior member you can really start throwing sh*te around,,:D :D
nope yu can thro ****e anytime - senior members just have posted 100 times.

an I thought I was being quite polite - no name calling or swearin (yet) :D.
so let me get this right ,,,, once you become a senior member you can really start throwing sh*te around,,:D :D

speak yer mind, don't talk nonsense and respect yer elders and you'll be fine

waffle like a wummun, talk crap and you'll get some flak

just like life innit ?
oh dear seems like bungle's mate has got the right hump. damm shame am not as profeessional as him.

you'd think someone wiff as much smarts as wot ees got would realise that folk are different. so as the internet is full of forums that cater for most types. this one caters for folk that find **** taking and other banter entertaining. then shirley he'd have the brains to **** off to a forum more to his taste.

can you imagine having his attitude in the real world?

he's goes to a restaurant and finds it full of rough boys that swear a bit, the food isn't to his liking, the decor int to his liking, he dosn't like the area its in. but still he goes there regularly and does nothing but complain about it.

when in fact there is an exclusive eatery that caters to folk like him just down the road, rather than go there he just keeps going to the rough one and moaning about it.

as i sed before but he chose to ignore it, when i joined here its was as dead as his brain cell. even miniman had to carpet bomb the whole forum to get a response for someone in dire trouble. Now its attended 24/7 and most sensible questions get a reply. of course its not always a straight forward polite answer but the answers are there. all he does is come on and bleat about us lot and trys his hardest to appear 'classy'.

i'm not saying I'm the sole cause of the turn around in the forum but i'm sure its got something to do with it, i supose old bungle's mate would prefer it to be like a morgue with no verbal joisting at all. could this be because he is ill equipe to partake?

so **** him and **** his self appreciation club.
i'll continue to be a prize **** on here untill i get fed up or the lord accy decides its time i went.
so **** him and **** his self appreciation club.

Self appreciation huh?
Is that some form of sexual relief not involving anyone else?

How he have a CLUB for it in that case?

I am at a loss ...


PS I received my doortops this morning - they are the right ones!

PPS How's your Fray Bentos Pies?
1) class is usually only mentioned by those with none
2) anyone want to join the following on a LAND ROVER FORUM of someone who freely describes himself as "driving a saab, modifies scoobies, but my wife has a freelander". Thought not.

Now, don't get cross Zippy, I ain't trying to start a ruck, done enough of that on here lately. However, you don't appear to be in too much of a position to criticise.

I ain't siding with slob or anyone, just calling it as I see it. (Mind you, if there's two side to a row, I like to see if I can make it a triangle)
ere - yu is a Basyngstokeian - have to meet up sum time - we occasionally frequent the "Portsmouth" if yu know where that is - Or come along to the lanr clearing tomoz and join us in a lane after.

Hmmmm - maybe not in a TD4:eek::D
Calm down deary he's gorra a Gaylander . You sure you wanna be going down lanes wiv him???

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