
Well-Known Member
Got my new speedo cable, genuine for less than £30 to replace the old worn one!
Should these be oiled , greased or left as is before fitting
I’ll secure it properly this timeo_O
I used one shot in mine. Pain to do but works a treat. I’ve had no trouble at the speedo end but just thought this was a gravity thing.
It’s in now , the bottom end was a bit rusty coloured so I put a bit of copper grease at that end
I was expecting a square end on cable , at gbox end it was oval
Not tested yet but I guess this might be easier to align than square
Mine was missing the top screw, but if it was then best to get that from middles seat cover , for the lower two the exhaust was getting in the way of my screwdriver so I used a 3/8 ratchet with extension and flat bit long enough to get past exhaust without hitting chassis peace of **** at gbox end , getting it to click in speedo took a bit longer , i Need to fix some clips to it , reason for changing it wrapped round front prop last week causing a bit damage :(
stripped threads in bellhousing ?omg How did you fix that
With helicoils and great patience. Most of the screw hole threads on the engine were in a similar state (thanks REME), but I had the luxury of fixing them before I put the engine back in.

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