Tom the young un

New Member
Hi everyone, I'm doing a course in Live Events Production at university and we have had to come up with a event and the concept behind it which we will design everything for (staging, lights, sound, special effects etc). I've decided to do the launch of the DC100 (or whatever it is that they are going to call it) and have loads of cool ideas on how to stage the event.
I had come up with a nice slogan (or so i thought) of "Go anywhere, Do anything" but as I'm sure you're all going to shoot me down for now it turns out that jeep got there first on that one.
So now I'm stuck for trying to come up with a new one and thought id ask for some help on here.
The whole idea of my campaign is to try and emphasise the fact that the defender is the original and the rugged one of the range and that it forms the basis for all of the other models that have come since but also one that inspires you to "go anywhere and do anything" and is always ready for an adventure.
Sorry about the ramblings but i hope there's enough in there for it to make sense.
Anyone got any good ideas?
Ha ha, the slogan isn't even part of the coursework really. My coursework is doing the designing but i thought it would be good to incorporate a decent slogan into the graphics and promo videos etc.
What about 'No Road, No Problem'

There ... done you're exam for you ... ps I work in Live Events ;)
Wot the **** sort of degree is this "Live Events", what does he hope to achieve with this type of Degree? what will his Noble Prize be for? By the sounds of it will be Plagiarism?

"Go anywhere, Do anything"

I would sugesst you use take your work literally and go somewhere else.

This place is no place for the sensitive types... we could make Clarkson, Cry.

Dude go back to the S.U. Bar. You will pass this type of course, Graduate and become a School teacher, or even someone who walks around a big tent selling something.

By the way these statements do not require you to comment.
Wot the **** sort of degree is this "Live Events", what does he hope to achieve with this type of Degree? what will his Noble Prize be for? By the sounds of it will be Plagiarism?

"Go anywhere, Do anything"

I would sugesst you use take your work literally and go somewhere else.

This place is no place for the sensitive types... we could make Clarkson, Cry.

Dude go back to the S.U. Bar. You will pass this type of course, Graduate and become a School teacher, or even someone who walks around a big tent selling something.

By the way these statements do not require you to comment.

Got your period pal? :rolleyes:
Wot the **** sort of degree is this "Live Events", what does he hope to achieve with this type of Degree? what will his Noble Prize be for? By the sounds of it will be Plagiarism?

"Go anywhere, Do anything"

I would sugesst you use take your work literally and go somewhere else.

This place is no place for the sensitive types... we could make Clarkson, Cry.

Dude go back to the S.U. Bar. You will pass this type of course, Graduate and become a School teacher, or even someone who walks around a big tent selling something.

By the way these statements do not require you to comment.

How about "Keep Calm, Carry on"?:croc:
Big money in live events and they take a lot of organising - good career choice in my opinion. Everything from product launches to Glastonbury, not to mention the Olympics. Slogans? I'm no good at them. How about "it's the dog's bollocks"? "you can get in it and drive down muddy roads without getting stuck too often"? "same as the old one, just looks a bit different"? "gets you from A to B via anywhere"? "drive this and we guarantee you'll get laid"? Just give me the credit for the one you use.
How about " If we don't make some money with a new car, we won't be able to make any more Defenders"

Which would be a tragedy!
Can the OP please refer back to post number 6 where he will find the best slogan amongst these feeble efforts! Oh ... it seems that I wrote it :doh:;):D
"Landrover, creating jobs for the uk (mainly in the recovery and repair sector)"
Live events hey.

You need a good lampy to keep your lights and console working. I'm not that expensive. :D

as far as a slogan, no idea. Sorry
Wot the **** sort of degree is this "Live Events", what does he hope to achieve with this type of Degree?

The live events industry is huge (as already pointed out by oxides) and is currently growing (or at least the live music side is) as artists are no longer making as much money from their record sales (downloads are much cheaper than CD's and often illegal) they are increasingly turning to large scale arena tours to make their money. More + bigger tours = more jobs.

what will his Noble Prize be for?

Hard to believe i know but its not everyones ambition in life to be recognised as an incredible academic (or peace maker) and be awarded a nobel prize but I'm one of the few!

By the sounds of it will be Plagiarism?

"Go anywhere, Do anything"

I would sugesst you use take your work literally and go somewhere else.

It is possible for someone to have heard something somewhere before (maybe years and years ago) and for it to seem like its something that they have come up with themselves. If anything, I say hats off to jeep for coming up with something which sticks in your mind so well!

This place is no place for the sensitive types... we could make Clarkson, Cry.

Despite me having only just joined the forum (as I'm sure you looked up before writing the rant) I have actually owned and worked on Land Rovers for several years and so have turned to this forum many a time (without posting) to look for advice on how to fix something or what that weird noise could be or where the good green lanes are at etc and as far as i can tell, everyone on here is very friendly and helpful (thanks to everyone's suggestions so far - i'll get round to replying to them in a moment).

Dude go back to the S.U. Bar.

We don't have an S.U. bar because I'm actually enrolled on a revolutionary new degree being run by a company who are a massive player within the industry and am working alongside big names in the performance side of the industry every day as part of the course.
I'm at university from 9:30 till at least 4 most days of the week (and sometimes at the weekend) being taught by people at the very top of the specific sector of the industry which we are learning about at the time.
Outside of those times, we are working on designs for things like product launches and music events as well as doing research into other parts of the industry so that we are ready to start learning about them when we get to them We also work within the industry during our free time in the evenings and weekends to gain vital experience and earn a bit of money along the way as well as attending short one or two day courses to gain extra qualifications such as cherry picker driving or first aid.
In 12 months of studying I'll (hopefully) have my foundation degree but more importantly be fully prepared to enter the industry and (again, hopefully) be successful within it.
Basically, i have no time to be hanging around in an S.U. bar doing nothing when i could be studying not to mention the fact that i am actually based in a small old mining village in Yorkshire so there is no S.U bar, not really any pubs and certainly no nightclubs. The most excitement i have all week is the pub quiz on a tuesday at the local working mens club.

You will pass this type of course, Graduate

I bloody well hope so.

and become a School teacher,

I bloody well hope not (no offence to any teachers - children really annoy me :p)

or even someone who walks around a big tent selling something.

I know several people who walk around big tents selling things to people who are very successful at it.

By the way these statements do not require you to comment.

No they don't require my comment but your unprovoked attack on someone who has posted a harmless (as far as i can see anyway) thread in an otherwise friendly forum was completely uncalled for and i felt it only right to defend myself a bit.

If you have something constructive to add to this thread then please do but if not then do please keep your opinions to yourself in future.

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