
New Member
hi would like to know anyone with a 2002 onwards range rover and how they rate them any issues with them reliability wise etc etc as im thinking of getting one after christmas any help much appreciated.

Well, personally, I would go for it - they are the dogs! I love mine and the one I have now is my second. However, I had fewer problems with my 2003 than I do with my 2002.... read the posts on here and you will get a better idea of what "could" go wrong. However, as with all cars, they can have their problems but don't let that put you off getting one.

Marry Christmas and good luck.

Hi there,

Yeah I've got a 2005 Vogue SE and it is the best car I've ever had - the only problem I get is if I leave it parked on a slope I get a Suspension Fault message - but this clears as soon as I park it on the flat. 10k miles (from 30k) with nothing but diesel - not even a service (yet..)

The later models appeared to have fewer faults - and with the credit crunch the bottom has fallen out of the market!

Merry Christmas

misalignment of front diff will shag them out,there is a mod available to stop this

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