
Active Member
Hi All :)

I'm a reasonably new series 3 owner, having purchased a 'cheap' SWB 2.25 petrol s3 a few months back that 'just needed a bit of welding' to get through the MOT...

Much chassis welding, undoing of bodges and considerable expense later, it's roadworthy but I'm still finding issues - but now my wallet is lighter, and the landy wasn't such a bargain afterall...

But anyway, on with the questions...

One thing I've noticed was when I filled it up it started piddling petrol all over the garage forecourt... Half of the problem was the sender, which is now fixed so it reads somewhere close to what it should so I am less likely to overfill it - the other is that the filler neck doesn't seem to resemble what it should...

From looking at the pics on ebay etc, it looks like the SWB tank under the drivers seat should be one piece, with the filler neck and vent attached. From poking round under the drivers seat, it looks like mine's different - it's hard to see because of the seat rails, but it looks like there's a separate neck connected to the filler pipe, with a rubber seal from that to the tank itself. The seals a bit perished, and it looks like if the tank is brimmed it leaks out of there. Is this a standard tank, or another bodge by one of the previous owners?

Any info appreciated :)


but now my wallet is lighter, and the landy wasn't such a bargain afterall...

Welcome to the forum and welcome to taking on somone elses project, I did the same thing in that my cheap project has doubled in cost:)

Your filler neck description is not giving me a real picture so if you can take a photo and post it here it may help.

Regard rog8811
This is what the top of the tank looks like - the rubber filler pipe slips over a stub on the top of the tank and is retained by a jubilee clip, the rusty looking lump is a foam seal between the tank and the body.
Welcome to the forum and welcome to taking on somone elses project, I did the same thing in that my cheap project has doubled in cost:)

About doubling sounds about right... :)

This is what the top of the tank looks like - the rubber filler pipe slips over a stub on the top of the tank and is retained by a jubilee clip, the rusty looking lump is a foam seal between the tank and the body.

From what I remember, the 'rusty looking lump' appeared to have a rubber gaiter/seal beneath it - that's what it looked like poking it with a screwdriver - it was all covered in crap so I didn't like to poke to hard as I didn't want it dropping into the tank...

Now I've got a bit better idea of what it should be like I'll have another look at the weekend :) It wouldn't surprise me if it's been bodged / broken as a lot of other stuff seems to be...

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