
Well-Known Member
Managed to pick up a lovely set of brand new half leather, electric, heated sports seats out of a merc c-class sport - owner switched to full leather straight away, so they hadn't even been sat in...









Got them trial fitted tonight only to find they sit about 1-2 inch too high, was hoping it was just the passenger side, but its both....:(

Will now have to look into the fitting of them further, to see if there is anyway of lowering the mounts on the disco floor, or removing all the electrics etc on the new seats, and just fitting them direct to the sub frame.

Anyone any ideas?
They are lowered as far as they can be.

When you compare them, the fronts of the seats sits at same height, but the rear stays flat and level to the front, whereas land rover ones slope down to the rear making them sit lower, so not sure whether just to try and lower rear fixing points
shame you aint got any better pics , so we can see whats going on ...:) i have fitted spacers to the front of my seats to lift the front up , so the back sits down , alot better driving postion....
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Right, got some pics of the bottom of the new seats.


As you can see there is not much spare room under there to hack away and lower the actual seat.


I did think of removing the seat via the 4 bolts

But then I would need to make up a new frame as the rear ones will need bringing down to accomodate the bottom seat part


You can see that the seat sits pretty low on its runners


and I would say there is only about an inch from the bottom of the seat to the bottom of the runners.

So the easiest way would be to lower the seat box ont he disco, but not sure if that is possible as the inside runners run along the transmission tunnel part that I cannot remove to get them lower (I think)

Will take out the existing seats tonight and post up a pic of the seat box, if I cannot find a pic on the forum somewhere to explain what I mean
Just been looking around for a pic of the seat box, and came across the guide for Range Rover seats into the disco, which have these pics..


and then completely removed...


So now I now this can come out, will look at modding this so it sits lower (hopefully)
I was looking for a set of bucket seats, and found these....and likes the 'heated' part of them, plus they look nice and are comfy
Well I am completely gutted now, as just took apart the seat box to see how I can lower it, and it certainly doesn't look like the above picture. Mine is all welded onto the floor, and there is no way to lower as the transmission tunnel slopes out where the rail would you can see in the following pics, esp the last pic...





Just hope I can get back what I spent on the seats via fleabay....gutted :(
The ones in the earlier pics. are of a 200tdi 3door where the front seats tip forwards. I'm assuming that yours is a 300 or td5 5 door?? You could cut the top off cut them down and reweld.
Yeah, mine is a 300.

Can't just them off and lower, as the slope of the transmission tunnel will stop the rails being any lower, as I need to fit them pretty much by using the exisiting holes nearest the tunnel - sods law....

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