
Active Member
Bit the bullet and just ordered a new RF Receiver from Island 4x4. Nearly two hundred quid for something that probably cost a pound to make! Still, at least I won't need to worry about battery drain, etc now and can replace the passenger door catch without fear of it burning out! :)
id like one myself but £200 its down the list a bit, maybe if i had a 4-6 month period with nothing else needing fixing id get one :eek:
You'll keep spending on locks and things if you don't do it.

To be fair mine has been ok for the past 6 months with the aerial disconnected. Although it was probably just a matter of time until I parked it somewhere that a signal flattened the battery.
I ran without the aerial connected for years, no problems at all. Ok you had to be next to the rear door to unlock but that was it.
I ran without the aerial connected for years, no problems at all. Ok you had to be next to the rear door to unlock but that was it.
Sure that works unless the receiver itself fails which seems to happen quite often, then it burns the locks so you are taking a gamble:)
I bought the RF Reciever on Tuesday Evening. It Arrived Thursday morning and I fitted it in 10mins on Saturday lol.
Not been back to the petrol station where i got stuck last week but that is the test i need to do.
Being the electronics whizz that you hard would it be to make one?
You can buy an RF receiver of the shelf for a few pounds, the hard bit is the rolling code and how that is transferred to the BECM. Just needs time and effort which I do not have at the moment.
You can buy an RF receiver of the shelf for a few pounds, the hard bit is the rolling code and how that is transferred to the BECM. Just needs time and effort which I do not have at the moment.

Even if you sold them for £90 (half price), I could see a tidy bit of profit for you there!
I noticed on my service records one job that was done back in 2008 was "key receiver" Invoice says Replace front to rear brake pipes, bleed system and check for leaks. Replace heater sensor. Remove dog guard and offside boot trim replace key receiver and refit trim etc.steam clean engine and road test Price of key receiver was £129.85 no way of knowing If this was the upgrade apart from having a look inside ?. The previous owner has no Idea. Any thoughts
have a look at it and see what color the sticker is also part no on it it should have green round sticker and on white part no sticker it should be YWY500170 or you could remove it and take it apart and compare the photos ive posted also when ?? date ,,,, did they replace the last one according to your reciepts ??????????? this will also indicate what series it would be 1 , 2 , or 3 cheers hope this helps ,,, mozz
P.S. just noticed what you said job done in 2008 ,, well IT IS DEFO SERIES 2 the series 3 didnt get made till late in 2006 and was not a standard fit .!!!!!
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have a look at it and see what color the sticker is also part no on it it should have green round sticker and on white part no sticker it should be YWY500170 or you could remove it and take it apart and compare the photos ive posted also when ?? date ,,,, did they replace the last one according to your reciepts ??????????? this will also indicate what series it would be 1 , 2 , or 3 cheers hope this helps ,,, mozz

Many thanks mozz i'll have a look and report back :)
have a look at it and see what color the sticker is also part no on it it should have green round sticker and on white part no sticker it should be YWY500170 or you could remove it and take it apart and compare the photos ive posted also when ?? date ,,,, did they replace the last one according to your reciepts ??????????? this will also indicate what series it would be 1 , 2 , or 3 cheers hope this helps ,,, mozz
P.S. just noticed what you said job done in 2008 ,, well IT IS DEFO SERIES 2 the series 3 didnt get made till late in 2006 and was not a standard fit .!!!!!

If the series 3 was made in 2006 and the OP's was changed in 2008 by a dealer, it must be good odds that it's the new series 3:)

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