
Active Member
It’s dark so I can’t take a good look, but thought someone may be able to play “name that tune rattle.
It feels like it’s coming from the rear but this may be the sound travelling through something else.
Happens when I’m off the throttle mostly, or at lower revs and happens regardless of clutch up or down.

As you slow down and stop it stops?
Sounds like a rotational noise, like sticking something in a bicycle wheel spoke. Propshafts maybe?
Afraid you will need to have a roll around underneath, jack each wheel up and give it a spin.
You can drive with one prop so if suspect take it off and see if the noise is gone.
As you slow down and stop it stops?
Sounds like a rotational noise, like sticking something in a bicycle wheel spoke. Propshafts maybe?
Afraid you will need to have a roll around underneath, jack each wheel up and give it a spin.
You can drive with one prop so if suspect take it off and see if the noise is gone.
Yes. Doesn’t make as much of a noise when I’ve got my foot down on the accelerator, but shows up when I’m at lower revs or ease off.

Does not make the noise on idle.

It does sound rotational and fairly “regular”
Dropping this in somewhere tomorrow for them to take a look. Realised my trolley jack won’t work on the raised Defender.

Another tool to add to the Spring shopping list.
Educated guess is the propshafts so I’ve ordered both front and rear and will hopefully have a clear afternoon this week to replace them. Buying new wasn’t a huge amount more than having them rebuilt, and much quicker too.
I've had a few things that rattle over the years, including:
1 The alloy heatshield that goes on the gearbox mount on the exhaust pipe side. I assume it's to stop the rubber mounting block getting hot. Mine had a crack in it and rattled. I twisted off the broken bit and haven't noticed any problems since, apart from the fact that it's quieter.
2 Debris in the handbrake drum. I took the handbrake drum off as part of a transfer box job back in November and discovered a stray nut in there. It was a flanged nut of around 10mm in thread size. It had clearly been in there a while because it was worn smooth like a beach pebble, and was probably responsible for an intermittent rattle I've had over the last few years. I'm not sure where it came from. All the nuts that hold the brake backplate onto the transfer box were still in place and nothing else seemed to be missing. I do remember losing one of the starter motor nuts when doing a gearbox swap in early 2021 so It might have got mixed up with the handbrake components and hidden itself behind the brake shoes when I reassembled.

So that's a couple of things to have a look at.

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