
New Member
Hi, just replacing my radiator in my 2.5 DSE and first question is with the radiator drained is it worth me flushing the system with water to get any crap out?

Second question, what is the recommended coolant and should I mix with water, is there any harm in 100% coolant?

100% coolant may prove to corrosive, plus it provides the most efficent cooling efect when properly mixed....

Choose one that is suitable for mixed metal engines and mix to a ratio as specified in the Handbook...
and mix to a ratio as specified in the Handbook...

And that is 50% anti-freeze 50% water.

From RAVE.....

Use an ethylene glycol based anti-freeze (containing no methanol) with non-phosphate corrosion inhibitors suitable for use in aluminium engines to ensure he protection of the cooling system against frost and corrosion in all seasons.
Thanks guys for your feedback.

Any tips on flushing the system, just with water?


I flushed mine, not much dirt came out until i disconnected the two hoses connecting the heater matrix, back-flushed and loads of gunk came out, glad i had it disconnected so it didn't go into engine passages, so be careful, don't flush engine with much pressure, may just rip up in old stuff better left alone.

Makes sense the matrix gets gunked up - steady one way flow, i flushed back and forth until clean, donno if it helped anything but the feeling is good:D

Ohh yeah i used tap water - and when refilling left drain plug off until pure coolant came out before closing drain so i know whats in it.

Many places sell the ready mixed 50/50 coolant suitable for aluminum engines, i buy the cheapest good one - don't need all the guarantied for 5 years nonsense as i change it before anyway. (Optimistic, i just remember how old the Rangie is)
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Pure antifreeze will freeze around -26°c. It only gets its full anti freezing capability when mixed in equal parts with water.
Hi, just replacing my radiator in my 2.5 DSE and first question is with the radiator drained is it worth me flushing the system with water to get any crap out?

Second question, what is the recommended coolant and should I mix with water, is there any harm in 100% coolant?


Even though I live in a tropical climate, I use a 50:50 mix of either BMW or Mercedes Benz's coolant. And I have never had a corrosion problem since the vehicle was new, and it's a 1996 model.

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