Good plan, seatbox is another good one to remove nuts and replace to make job easier when you need to do it, The small nuts fixing wings to front panel are a bit awkward, if they still have the original 3 screws on bracket affair and nuts not rusted on that’s a bonus, the acme type threaded bolts inside wing to A pillar easy with a ratchet ,socket and 300mm extension keep,the pics coming
Keep you busy for a few weeks!

he’s bought the brake pipes ready made up, I like the plastic strip on the front panel, my wings corroded badly where it was fixed to the steel so he was aware of dissimilar metals
The footwells have the half round bits pressed in for stiffness , that would be hard to replicate , I got mine off eBay fairly cheap,and fitted well
Wow it strips down quick, you need to add 3 top hat sections for your tub floor that are missing

Edit you are Mr super skill sheet metal worker , above will be a doddle for you

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