new mounts - the 3 quid jobs off paddocks ? - give em an oil bath for a few days in some old engine oil.

softens them up nicely .
"will be cutting off all the bits of the roof structure that arent needed"

would that be the big heavy steel tat stopped the vehicle it was attached to being a blamonge to drive ..... stupid monocoques - ladder chassis for the win !
new mounts - the 3 quid jobs off paddocks ? - give em an oil bath for a few days in some old engine oil.

softens them up nicely .

not sure that they want making softer matey, i think the engine isnt running right as it just vibrates farrrrr to much and it never used to. It occured at the same time as a noticably drop it power. Hence I am thinking timing slipped. Its still not back up to power (after replacing the hoses)

Not sure that soaking rubber in oil is the best start in life for them either! :D (although it wouldnt be long before they were of course)
"will be cutting off all the bits of the roof structure that arent needed"

would that be the big heavy steel tat stopped the vehicle it was attached to being a blamonge to drive ..... stupid monocoques - ladder chassis for the win !

theres shed loads of steel in the thing!

I was going to be attaching the flat bit of the roof to the landies roof as it would all be cut out and the seals would fit perfick etc but ive decided to just attach the tent bit and the electric actuators to the defender roof - itll shave off another 40 kilos!!!
ok well having done some research you lot may well be write....damnit :p

Ive ordered some glencoyne mounts as apparently they are the ones to have
found various forums (yes I was looking elsewhere and being a traitorous swine!) claiming the Glencoyne ones were very good and some "genuine" ones being sold were not as described. Cant be bothered with the fuss so ordered some this afternoon. Will fit them at the weekend. Anything to get away from the new year celebration thing my wifes doing this coming saturday.
found various forums (yes I was looking elsewhere and being a traitorous swine!) claiming the Glencoyne ones were very good and some "genuine" ones being sold were not as described. Cant be bothered with the fuss so ordered some this afternoon. Will fit them at the weekend. Anything to get away from the new year celebration thing my wifes doing this coming saturday.


stop reading up on tinterweb :p

haha, well i was curious! i knew chinese is jan/feb never heard of one in march

it's a bit of an odd custom though.. having to put as many thumbs as possible into the man of the house' orifice.
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haha, well i was curious! i knew chinese is jan/feb never heard of one in march

it's a bit of an odd custom though.. having to put as many thumbs as possible into the man of the house' orifice.


I was short changed last year! :mad:
well the scary death wobble took a turn for the worst last night and i almost filled my pants from it.

Took me an hour longer to get home as I was driving so slowly so as not to kill me'sen

Got underneath to check and the panhard rod connection has a good 11mm of play and has opened up the hole in the bracket.

So Ive ordered an adjustable rod and poly bushes, new fasteners and some form G washers to weld onto the bracket to refurb it. Hopefully this will sort it all out!

Its something I had never noticed and had put it down originally to needing to check the tension on the swivels but obviously I was wrong!
i r disapoints.


i just had a picture of you trundling onto the motorway on the tratter.
i r disapoints.


i just had a picture of you trundling onto the motorway on the tratter.


I will on a nice sunny day! But with a very top speed of 20mph (thats properly thrashing it!) it will take me 3 and a half hours to get to my office.

Will do it though :) Maybe with the caravan attached on the back :p

I only bought my first tratter to annoy Dounreay Police in the car park with their stupid "you are not displaying yer parking permit" stickers
well the adjustable panhard rod just got delivered, im awaiting new bolts (incase the old un's are knackered and just because its better to replace them if theres any doubt in my opinion)

MSS storage box got delivered to the office too along with 10' of stable matting for sound reduction. Oh how the receptionist loves me :rolleyes:

New engine mounts from glencoyne also just arrived along with a 6' piece of chequer plate hahaha
sorting out some storage


stopped the rubbish sunroof leaking!


replacing the engine mounts


Aaron & top drive you were right! it was the engine mounts. I had replaced just the drivers side as that had failed originally. The vibration was WAAAYYY worse after. So I fitted the Glencoyne one and it was way better than before i had changed it. So i checked the passenger one....

The nut off the top wasnt there! and it was a cheap one that was as hard as obsidian! Jesus what a ballache to change too. Still its done and its like a totally different vehicle! no vibrations and the awful resonance from the chassis has gone too. Im so happy!!!

Incidentally, if any regular LZ'er needs to borrow an engine crane you are more than welcome.
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