Evening all, to cut a long story short my father in law died last easter and he bought his dream car a defender 110 xs station wagon a few years ago. The mother in law was going to put it up for sale instead of it rotting on the driveway, but I suggested to the wife we take it on so it stays in the family. Only thing is I dont know what to offer her, been around old vws for ages but this will be our first landy. Its a 2014 station wagon xs, great condition, 35000 miles. I know she will give us a good discount but a ball park starting price would be a good start.
Cheers in advance, when shes on the driveway there will be a lot more questions. No more valuation ones though, they go down like lead on the vw forums im sure this will be the same lol
Hi and welcome!

Take a look at the likes of autotrader, eBay, FB marketplace and LRO for an idea of what the Landy is worth. Make sure the bulkhead and chassis are in good condition as these are the expensive parts to replace if rusted. Make adjustments for extras fitted and lower or higher mileage, etc. An XS station wagon will be very sought after so will likely fetch good money.

When you agree on a price, make sure you invest in lots of security measures too, they’re popular with thieves, especially the Tdci models, which are stolen and stripped for parts.
Welcome :)

Don't think I can add to Knappsters advice :)

And ... as post #4 too - security, security, and then some more security.....

There's a thread on 'ere about trackers - worth a search - has some good advice in it :)
Welcome to the forum

The price peeps advertise isn't always the price it sells for. Some think they're worth their weight it gold.

Offer a box of milk tray and an unopened packet of marbles as a starting point to test the water. If she haggles on the marbles then you'll know she's clued up on value.
Thanks for the replys , looking on Auto trader its worth around 35k. He only paid 28ish brand new, :eek: Il tell the mother in law its worth 5k :rolleyes:
Remember, when the mother in law finds out the real value, your life won't be worth living ;)
I know it's being nosey, and it's just because it's what we would do in my family, but.............. can't her Mum just give your wife the vehicle? No answer really required. Just being nosey :)
Remember, when the mother in law finds out the real value, your life won't be worth living ;)
I know it's being nosey, and it's just because it's what we would do in my family, but.............. can't her Mum just give your wife the vehicle? No answer really required. Just being nosey :)
I wish she wants a new kitchen :(

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