
New Member
Hi, I've had the Range Rover (1993 3.9 Vogue SE) for a couple of hours now and already have a to-do list :confused:

1. seat motor needs replacing - is this an easy job?
2. odometer doesn't work - on the plus side it's got low mileage ;)
3. rear glass tailgate doesn't lock down on one corner so it can be opened with a swift yank.
4. the engine ticks under load - pressume this is an exhaust manifold gasket or loose tappet.
intermitant wipers don't work and normal wiper stop where ever they are when the switch is flicked off.

This is after about 2 hours of ownership, so I'm sure the list will get longer when the sun rises :(

Does anyone have any tips or advice on any of the above?


Welcome to the club :p

Cant answer the first two as I have no experience.

2. tailgate. Mine was the opposite and I stuggled to open one side. You can adjust the catches with the hex bits on the threaded bar. The bits near the catches, they probebly be a bit rusty due to the water ingress. Just turn them a 1/4 turn at a time and then try then slamming closed then unlocking, lube them at the same time, with a bit of adjustment you should get them working OK. Then again I still need to yank mine a bit as ine side sticks more than the other. I think they call it a design feature.

4. Hey mine ticks as well and I think its an exhaust gasket leak on the dirvers side, might get it sorted one day :D

You will be working on more bits in the near future, its the way they are.
Cheers for the pointers :)
I'm sure it'll be an ongoing project.
I'll start on it in anger tomorrow, then for every weekend thereafter, lol


Hi, I'm a newbie here too but just wanted to coment on your odometer not working, when i got my Range Rover mine wasn't working either, it was just the cerclip on the back where the cable goes through, works fine now and cost about 15p, and like you say, shows low milage :D

I also had the same problem with the upper glass tail gate, if I close it using the handle it doesn't lock in place, but put my hands on the outer corners and close it locks fine.

Mine also ticks under load - I think mine is the exhaust manifold gasket too.

Good luck with your Range Rover, hope your list of things to do isn't too long :eek:

Cheers Alex :)

I've still not done much, but did manage to fix the tailgate, then took it for a spin to Milton Keynes visiting relatives.

It behaved well but was incredibly thirsty giving about 15mpg with 4 adults and a baby at about 70-80mph. Not a big problem though as I have a fuel card ;)

I have a free day tomorrow to attack the other niggly bits, then it goes into full time work as my everyday work car on Monday after taking the M3 off the road to race prep it for next season.

Still can't believe I've managed to replace the M3 with something even thirstier, lol

The seat problem is probably the switch not the motor. You can pull the knobs of followed by the cover, two cross head screws hold it in place. Take them out and pull up the switch. Pull out electric connector. Then go to a quiet place no kidds no wife, find box with no holes in it, and pop side tabs holding switch together, do this inside the box because there are loads of ball bearings and springs inside. Carefully open it up and take long hard look at the way it is put together. Now empty all the guts in to the box.
There are small copper rocker connectors inside clean them and bend any that may have become to bent use the others as a refrence ,there all the same.Clean out switch body with washig up liquid and clean all contacts with emery paper or small screw driver . Also clean bb`s and springs .Place housing on flat surface and reassemble contacts, first spings, then a bb on the top of each spring .line up the top and push down evenly and pop jobs a gudden.Or buy a new one ££££££££££££
Paul, I like your comment on your motor only doing around 15mpg at 70-80mph, I have to admit the mpg doesn't bother me (only live once :eek: thank god :D ) then again as I'm a coach driver I struggle to get above 60 in mine on the motorway, 40 on other little road :D

Sounds to me like you love your Range Rover as much as I love mine, I've wanted one since I was about 14 yrs old, and now I have my Bettsey.

Good luck with getting your thirsty beast all sorted Paul

@ Bobmar - I've got a free new motor coming tomorrow from the guy I bought it from who says the switch is fine, so hopefully it should be fairly straight forward to replace.
If that doesn't work I'll attach the switch box :) Cheers

@ Alex - I've always fancied a Range Rover too, but never quite been able to justify, but after a track M3 I doubt I'll notice the difference overall ;)
Even after only having it three days and it being a bit of a hound (full of "character") I love it.

My biggest concern was security as they're so easy to get into, but the new alarm gets fitted tomorrow so no need to worry any more ;)


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