Just bought a '03 Massa Mara, TD4, 118k, seems tidy enough but.............
Tailgate issues - lots of odd things happening, seems resolved with new springs fitted on the handle so no longer slopping about causing a miriad of conditions!
Air-con, clutch non-op, relay not cutting in - as detailed in threads here, lack of gas pressure stops relay operating, quick check and re-gas seems to have sorted that!
Horn - again, non op, manually pressing relay to make contact gave good note! Proved to horn slip ring in steering wheel, push button now fitted in spare switch slot as alternate way of warning others!
Service - New oil with oil, air and pollen filters courtesy of Eurocarparts and their 70% sale! Sounding sweet!
Locking wheel nut key missing - trip to LR Shrewsbury (remind me to wear a suit next time!) and ordered new from main agents, that's gonna hurt the wallet but I just know I'll get a flat if I don't!
BUT - the real ball ache....water in the cubby hole!
Thanks to wife and dog sitting in the "bare" boot whilst hosing FL down, water seen to collect in depression of door damper bracket mount on rear sill, this fills and eventually tracks into cubby hole!
8mm drain hole in cubby hole made for damage limitation, covered in spray grease.
Silicone spray (GT85 is silicon?) over door seals yesterday, but still, during the downpour this afty, water collecting in the same depression for damper.
As door shuts onto seal, and seal appears dry on top, think this is from higher up, nearer the hinges, and tracking it's way behind the seal collecting in the damper mount.
Any thoughts?
New seal - really don't want to spend too much on it!
Drill hole in damper mount area......where will this drain to?
Pull seal off, bead of silicon and refit?
Any thoughts appreciated!

Looking forward to a long relationship with the beast if she holds together!
Locking wheel nut key missing - trip to LR Shrewsbury (remind me to wear a suit next time!)
I know exactly what you mean:eek: mine can not even bother to reply with a price for a part for me:mad: as for the locking wheel nuts I took it to my local tyre fitter and one lump hammer+socket 5 mis later my locking wheel nuts were off and a new set brought off ebay for a lot cheaper me thinks . Weather this is true or not the fitter said not to bother fitting locking nuts being as the wheels do not fit anything else
I know exactly what you mean:eek: mine can not even bother to reply with a price for a part for me:mad: as for the locking wheel nuts I took it to my local tyre fitter and one lump hammer+socket 5 mis later my locking wheel nuts were off and a new set brought off ebay for a lot cheaper me thinks . Weather this is true or not the fitter said not to bother fitting locking nuts being as the wheels do not fit anything else
Wheels may not be worth much, but the tyres may do.
True GG I thought that after he said it hence why I am keeping my locking wheel nuts on
Regarding the horn slip ring. Mine failed also. I put a multimeter on the other unused tracks in the ring (used for cruise control etc. But not implemented in my vehicle), and they were ok. So I just swapped the horn button wire to one of those instead. Which works fine.

As far as I know, having the horn operate from a button on the dashboard for the MOT is ok. It’s just more convenient and conventional operating from the steering wheel.

Good luck with the rest of the jobs.

If you are near Shrewsbury, there is a good Freelander salvage place near Cannock (opposite Craddock’s), where you can get spares from at sensible prices. Which saves you having to get suited and put on an accent to go into the JLR showroom, where I agree they do look down on us older vehicle owners!
Hang on a minute........."where I agree they do look down on us older vehicle owners!".
Got to be careful how I read that! :)
Is that classifying me as a vehicle owner of a certain age, or an owner of a certain age of vehicle?
Think I'm gonna enjoy this 'ere forum! Thanks for replies so far!
[QUOTE="4Bee4Bee, post: 4359645, member: 125715"]Regarding the horn slip ring. Mine failed also. I put a multimeter on the other unused tracks in the ring (used for cruise control etc. But not implemented in my vehicle), and they were ok. So I just swapped the horn button wire to one of those instead. Which works fine.

Top man! the connectors in and out of the unit are 6 way, with only two used, never even thought of that!
When I finish me shift and on the off days will be fettling again! Loving it!

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