
New Member
Hi all, great forum which Im sure i;ll need regularly
just purchased a Def 90 hardtop 1997 (and i love it already) and brought it to Ireland (where my kind gov. charged me 1100 for the privelige!!)
Anyway just noticed a few things and wondered if its normal

1/ can hear the fan belt with/over the (wonderful) roar of the 300tdi.reason for worry?
2/ steering much lighter than expected
3/ how can i or can i sound proof and is it worth it?

hello and welcome.

fan belt noise may be a tensioner problem, sometimes they go out of line when they wear, change the fanbelt first and try it, if it does it again, change the tensioner.

check the tyre pressures, should be 28psi in the front, if too high, will give light steering, steering is quite light anyway.

wouldn't bother soundproofing it bit if you must then dynamat will do it but it's expensive
Thanks Clutchdust
Will try that
and from the sounds of it my steering isn't too light just suprisingly light (although my last car didn't have PAS so maybe thats it )

Thanks Again
For sound proofing try 'wright off road'. I fitted it in january and couldn't beleive the diffrence. It was 250 quid though. But now I can talk to people at 70mph and its completly waterproof and looks good too, BONUS.

Web site is

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