Rattlesnake Bob

New Member
Hello there!!:D
...my names Bob and I'm returning to Landrovering and ownership after a break of 17 years or so...Over the years I bought and sold and broke up loads of LRs and a few RRs too....
.... I used to do a lot of trialing and a few team recovery events with the AWDC from around the early 80s up to '93 and was the proud owner for many years of a 1955 Series One 86" which was well modified and chopped & fitted with a tuned P6 V8....sold it in a fit of daftness that I have regretted more or less ever since and I recently spent a while trying to track her down to do a 'buyback' only to sadly find out she was unceremoniously scrapped around 10 years ago.....ah well...
.. back out on the trail and I recently bought 2 LRs..
...one a really tidy and very early Series 2 SWB diesel with a nice station wagon back and another, a very rough and long retired 1970 ex-MOD series 2A van back...both had fantastic chassis' though so were well worth a punt...the MOD one I've sold on to a young local lad who is currently totally rebuilding her as we speak.......
..I've nearly got the Series 2 back on the road and it won't be long before I try for a new MOT but this time there'll be no trialling ...just a bit of greenlaning and off road mooching and apart from some simple mods to make her easier to live with ...and perhaps some bigger tyres/rims...she'll be staying more or less standard...
Hope to meet up with some like minded folk fer chitting the chat as they say . see you around ..Bob:).......oh by the way ..i'm down in the Forest of Dean...good off roading country too....
not too bad .been in a just over a week now.trying to sort out sciatica thats been bugging me ever since January.gggrrrhhhh! or aaaararararararggghhh!

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