There wont be any reason to Q plate it, its a simple import used vehicle.

If it's a used vehicle means it has been previously reg therefore all numbers have to be on the original documents from Poland and if you buy it must be transfered into your name before importing or the tax bill will be huge...
If it's a used vehicle means it has been previously reg therefore all numbers have to be on the original documents from Poland and if you buy it must be transfered into your name before importing or the tax bill will be huge...

You know how it goes mate, buy a sh!tter, replace everything like for like, numbers still match.
There wont be any reason to Q plate it, its a simple import used vehicle.

Is it?
Numbers need to match paperwork or you get sent on your way here.

Buying a whole bunch of chassis don’t give automatic right to correct paperwork.

The U.K. treats thing very different and is probably the most relaxed of all countries as regards registrations.
Except IVA/SVA. So if it classified as a kit car it will not pass enough to get an age related.

But hey rebrand and keep it going I am all for that:)

Grrr they'll find a way Chaps..


or they'll say **** you UK and keep them all for themselves ;)
@marjon I get the immpresion a lot of people in the UK don't understand how registration plates work in other European countries...there is no such thing as cherished plates\swopping for an older plate and in fact here in Portugal up till recently a used import got a KC plate a bit like a Q but it makes no difference to the value...
Yeah its easy once you spend a few months over there..

Lovely place, much better than this dump....... I mean country ;)

somehow coming across your comments twice in 5 mins quoting (" this dump") I get the feeling you don't enjoy blighty's weather much...
Is it?
Numbers need to match paperwork or you get sent on your way here.

Buying a whole bunch of chassis don’t give automatic right to correct paperwork.

The U.K. treats thing very different and is probably the most relaxed of all countries as regards registrations.
Except IVA/SVA. So if it classified as a kit car it will not pass enough to get an age related.

But hey rebrand and keep it going I am all for that:)


So replacing a chassis loses the vehicles id?
Every series in the country will be going on a grand tour. Returning with something of a suspicious shine about it.

Except the plates and vin plaque.
Obviously :oops:

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