
Hi everyone
Today i received an email from Mattia the Contact person
for Nanocom
Apparently the New Version is Out very soon with a lot of tricks up it's sleeve
IT will do all the same functions as the old one, BUT with a easy and more user friendly interface
By late September there will also be an update to cover the Ford engine plus other new applications.
The Very good news is that there will be a very low cost expansion card
to connect to the Evolution so that it will be possible to connect to analog
thermocouple sensors (PT100-PT1000) and different temperature /pressure sensors and be able to operate threshold outputs directly from the touch display.
My opinion it's well worth waiting for
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I received the following Email reply from Mattia on Monday (26th)

A small stock of new nanocom will be ready in august and many more in september.
I will advertise on the home page of the site when the first stock of nanocom will be available with price and details, in september there will be an e-commerce page.
I keep your email in the list of "to be contacted" I will write you as soon the stock is ready, but if you see the homepage updated and you didn't get my email please contact me.


Best advice seems to be to get on their site (:: Nanocom ::) and register an interest.

The more the merrier!

I only hope their customer support is better for this new one than I have experienced with the original that is NONE! Can't even be bothered to reply to emails.
As I said on another forum, I've been in loose contact with Mattia about this new one for nearly 6 month now. He promised it would be out "End of March, beginning of April"; "End of April"; "Beginning of May"; etc etc etc.

I got bored of being, as I see it, mucked about so I bought a HawkEye.

Just gets on with the job, with the big advantage being that all of Testbook is loaded at outset, you get one unlock code in the purchase price for the vehicle of your choice, but if you want/need to work on other LR products you just buy another unlock code. These unlock codes are not cheap at £145 each:eek:, but at least your kit is not redundant.

My views that's all

I agree about support - it's very important.

Elsewhere on this forum there is a guy with a "bricked" Nanocom that failed to upload the new firmware. This can often happen with any computer based gear and its essential to have some good support when it does.

I need a Naocom to find out why my Disco 2 (facelift) is so crap at pulling my caravan. I believe it may be the MAF and I want to use the Nanocom on board while towing to see if I can diagnose the problem. It will also be useful for the very occasional fault I get on the front left ABS Sensor (it resets itself on ignition).

If no NanoCom evolution by mid-September - it will be a Hawkeye.

Waiting, impatiently...................

Cheers to all

I, too, have just had an email reply (after 10 days) from Mattia about my request for help to get my Nanocom working again after it came up 'unable to connect to Nanocom bootloader' and wiped out everything!! The nanocom is just four months old.

I quote:-

I'm sorry,there is no support department, it is all managed by me,so you can understand how busy am I.You need to reprogram the boot sectore, I think the best slution is to send the unit here, there is a programmer to program the boot , but I don't have it in stock so you may wait for weeks.

I hope buyers of the new Evolution are prepared for this type of service.

I, too, have just had an email reply (after 10 days) from Mattia about my request for help to get my Nanocom working again after it came up 'unable to connect to Nanocom bootloader' and wiped out everything!! The nanocom is just four months old.

I quote:-

I'm sorry,there is no support department, it is all managed by me,so you can understand how busy am I.You need to reprogram the boot sectore, I think the best slution is to send the unit here, there is a programmer to program the boot , but I don't have it in stock so you may wait for weeks.

I hope buyers of the new Evolution are prepared for this type of service.


Hi Shirley, well that response is just ridiculous isn't it.

If you go to the Omitech website (manufacturers of HawkEye) you will find a rather different approach.

Hi Shirley, well that response is just ridiculous isn't it.

If you go to the Omitech website (manufacturers of HawkEye) you will find a rather different approach.


How right you are. As part of my investigation of nanocom support to help my problem, I emailed Swansea 4x4 who recommended their colleague who is heavily involved in developing Hawkeye (even gived his phone number) and told we why they have given up their 'relationship' with Nanocom. My problem is that I have only recently bought the nanocom and it has only been used three times! I just can't afford to change it. I know that the NC will be perfect again as soon as the 'problem software' is sorted so I will just have to stumble on.
I believe, from reading other LR forums, that I am not the only person to encounter this problem - hence the boot software referred to by Mattie, but the promise of it 'eventually is frustrating.
I am hoping that there is just a slim chance that somewhere, someone in the UK, just might have been sent this solution disc in the past and would be kind enough to send me a copy. Other than that it will have to be posted to Italy.

You may conclude that I am NOT a happy bunny and would certaily NOT recommend Nanocom simply because of the non-existent support. With a newly developed product I think that is going to be an essential - it would be for me anyway.

Cheers, Shirley
How right you are. As part of my investigation of nanocom support to help my problem, I emailed Swansea 4x4 who recommended their colleague who is heavily involved in developing Hawkeye (even gived his phone number) and told we why they have given up their 'relationship' with Nanocom. My problem is that I have only recently bought the nanocom and it has only been used three times! I just can't afford to change it. I know that the NC will be perfect again as soon as the 'problem software' is sorted so I will just have to stumble on.
I believe, from reading other LR forums, that I am not the only person to encounter this problem - hence the boot software referred to by Mattie, but the promise of it 'eventually is frustrating.
I am hoping that there is just a slim chance that somewhere, someone in the UK, just might have been sent this solution disc in the past and would be kind enough to send me a copy. Other than that it will have to be posted to Italy.

You may conclude that I am NOT a happy bunny and would certaily NOT recommend Nanocom simply because of the non-existent support. With a newly developed product I think that is going to be an essential - it would be for me anyway.

Cheers, Shirley

Hi Shirley, very sorry to hear that you only recently purchased your and are having problems.

As for the new model and support - we already have the answer don't we? "I'm sorry,there is no support department, it is all managed by me,so you can understand how busy am"

- frankly Mattia I would be far less interested in how busy you are and much more interested in some help.

Fortunately I bought a product (somewhat by default) from a rather larger setup who appear to know what they are doing.

In Mattia's school books the teachers wrote " Could do better"
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This thread really reinforces the value of this forum.

At first I thought the Nanocom was the device to have - now changed my mind. I think the Hawkeye looks the better bet -its the cost of adding another vehicle that puts me off. Still thats better than having a Nanocom "brick".

What does Mattia mean "not in stock"?? Its a piece of software - it just needs emailing out! Of course this could be the language barrier at work. Or vapourware??

So tantalising - good product (by all accounts) let down by none existant service.

Hey ho

This thread really reinforces the value of this forum.

At first I thought the Nanocom was the device to have - now changed my mind. I think the Hawkeye looks the better bet -its the cost of adding another vehicle that puts me off. Still thats better than having a Nanocom "brick".

So tantalising - good product (by all accounts) let down by none existant service.

Hey ho


Hi Ian, I got tired of waiting for Nanocom so went the HawkEye route. Excellent bit of kit, have used it quite a bit on simple things like MAF's and it is easy and quick to use. Plus it seems 100% stable.

I paid £257 inc vat for mine from a Bearmach retail outlet in Kent.

Paddocks do the computer connecting cable and power supply for £15+vat each.
Just for interest, here is a copy of the reply I sent to Mattia with reference to the non-existant service I have received. I have not, as yet, had a reply but will let you know if I do get one, which is doubtful as he is more interested in going on hols from 7 - 25 August.
I quote-

Dear Mattia,

I parceled up my Nanocom and then checked the cost of sending it back to you, fully insured. This is VERY high, too high for me to pay.

As I have had this new Nanocom for only 4 months, cost me a lot of money and came with a support service, I am very dissatisfied with being told to either send it to Italy or to wait 'weeks' for a copy of a programmer. I now know that I am not alone in experiencing this problem so why can't this be downloaded from the restricted area of your website?

I understand that you may be busy developing your new Evolution machine and that you are entitled to a break from work but feel that you owe loyalty and service to people who have already bought your original version - they have paid you a lot of money.

In the UK, we have many Forums for Land Rover owners, many of whom are waiting for the Evolution and have already registered an interest with you. When I posted your reply to my email about the 'no support' for the Nanocom, the response was immediate with people now rethinking waiting for the Evolution and going instead to the new Hawkeye which is available on the UK market, offering a full and prompt support service. This is not good for you but it will happen unless you are able to make a big improvement in your support service. Your first duty is to those people who have already bought a Nanocom.

As I will not be sending the Nanocom back to Italy, I will need to have a copy of the boot programmer sent to me and I expect this to be delivered very quickly, and certainly before you go away on 7th August.

Promising a service which does not exist IS AGAINST THE LAW, both in the UK and throughout the EU.
Update to the email sent by me to Mattia - See Earlier thread.

This arrived the next day:-

I'm realy sorry, no problem, I will send you the programmer, the 4 of august.


Then the next day this arrived:-

The programmer is been sent this morning.
Plaese the Documentation about the HARDWARE UPGRADE KIT, it is a PDF that explane how to upgrade the unit. You just have to take care about the BOOT PROGRAMMING section, and don't care bout the quartz upgrade.The document talk about the first serie, if you have an USB unit, you have to select the USB 10MHz(default) option instead of the COM10Mhz .
It is a small pack sended with proirity mail ,so it normally take 3-4 days of travel.
For any doubt I can replyto you any time, also after the 9 of august i will have internet conection.


Then, just 2 days later, the Programmer arrived in the post!

All I have to do now is try to work out what I do with this 'gadgit'!! All useful suggestions from those in the know would be welcome as my computer skills are limited -born a bit too early for the digital learning era!

This type of service is what I had expected orriginally but it is sad that it took a sharp letter before the support materialised. So there is hope yet for Nanocom!!!!

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