
hi guys just had a spanking for not introducing myself before posting a question in the freelander section so here goes :- just bought a 2001 3 door td4 freelander and very pleased with it (have been looking through the forum and seems a great place to solve problems with some very knowlegable people on it) previous owner said it had a starting problem when it was hot although it has not happened to me yet have chanced a few things that could cause the it, only problem i had was when it was on a slight incline and fuel on low side it would not /take a while to start this happened to anyone?also can anyone tell me if the small electrical pump looking device under the rear right wheel arch is a fuel pump? hope i didnt upset anyone else inadvertantly.

thanks paul
thanks for the welcome guys by the way im up in durham, been lurking and reading and learning got a freelander,subaru impreza,spitfire and a lexus is 200 at present (partner non to happy haha)
cheers paul
He's right you know, there's some right weirdoes that buy Freelanders - and then admit to it. I'd avoid people like that if I was you.

Oh, and yes, it's a fuel pump, and they go wrong.
yeah i seem to feel a sense of rivalry between the different types of land rover or is it resentment me i just love them all trouble is money plays a big part and prices at the minute are just silly for series land rovers ......unless you have one haha (which i dont)
cheers paul

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