

I'm new to the site and have recently purchased a 2003 Defender 90 TD5.

This is my first Land Rover and my main concerns at the moment are security and rust so any advice on these subjects would be appreciated!

Particularly if anyone has installed any CCTV and what set up they have gone for?

I'm in my early twenties and from the south east.

My mechanical knowledge isn't particularly great when it comes to cars but I work in a technical trade in the offshore industry so do sort of know how to use a spanner!

And lastly any advice with regards to preventative maintenance of the truck would be great!


  • WhatsApp Image 2019-01-17 at 16.12.07.jpg
    WhatsApp Image 2019-01-17 at 16.12.07.jpg
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Looks lovely! I was in the same position. For security I chose to fit a tracker (Rewire Security £60 off eBay + 1pmobile SIM) - very cheap and there's a great iPhone app that texts you everytime the ignition is turned on or off and maps to show where your Landy is and where it's been. Also fitted a fold down locking pedal box - £180 but well worth it.
(You get it cheaper buying direct I think). Finally fit something that will immobilise from a hidden switch (see LRS Land Rover Security). For rust - take a look at the youtube video on dinitrol (ing) the Landrover Chassis.
Welcome to the forum. +1 on all of the above.
A full cover steering wheel guard is also good. Just remember, most physical guards are for delaying, if they want it they will take it.
A tracker to help find it quickly is the best idea. SkyTag or another subscription tracker are worth the money if you are really worried :)
I'm new here too, but welcome all the same.

I was thinking about security/tracking but taking a more home-made approach with a bit of Raspbery Pi jiggery-pokery: I'd also build in more analytics on mileage and setup reminders via some sort of app.

But that's down the line. I'm also chasing out rust, had a baptism of waxoil a couple of weeks ago, won't be doing that mid-winter again if I can help it!
Looks lovely! I was in the same position. For security I chose to fit a tracker (Rewire Security £60 off eBay + 1pmobile SIM) - very cheap and there's a great iPhone app that texts you everytime the ignition is turned on or off and maps to show where your Landy is and where it's been. Also fitted a fold down locking pedal box - £180 but well worth it.
(You get it cheaper buying direct I think). Finally fit something that will immobilise from a hidden switch (see LRS Land Rover Security). For rust - take a look at the youtube video on dinitrol (ing) the Landrover Chassis.

All good ideas! seems the general consensus is make it as much of a pain in the arse to steal as possible so they move on to the next one? with a tracker just in case it's not enough.

I'll take a look at dinitrol, cheers!
I'm new here too, but welcome all the same.

I was thinking about security/tracking but taking a more home-made approach with a bit of Raspbery Pi jiggery-pokery: I'd also build in more analytics on mileage and setup reminders via some sort of app.

But that's down the line. I'm also chasing out rust, had a baptism of waxoil a couple of weeks ago, won't be doing that mid-winter again if I can help it!

Never thought about using a Pi! how have you been getting on with it, relatively straight forwards?

I've already decided that it can wait till it warms up a bit before I waxoil ect ;)
The Pi is pretty versitile and python script is pretty accessible. Must admit I haven't gotten very far.

There are loads of online tutorials and informal community meetups, Raspberry Jams - I know of one in Chichester.
Hey all,
I guess it is a coincidence
I am a new member as well and I can definitely vouch for Rewire Security trackers. I use one of their new products: DB2 - in my Landy.
I really like it and it is very easy to install. I actually recommend it if you need a tracker, really cheap too.
PS: I do a lot of research before I buy anything and I love the fact their stuff is really cheap and reliable compared to others.

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