
New Member
Thanks for adding me. I'm a stones throw from retirement (desk job) and need a project to keep me busy, learnng things and meeting people. I'm here, initially, to get information about my best first choice project car and later, people to commisterate when I feel like "oh bgger, what have I done"!
Firstly, what do you want to do with the vehicle. That obviously is a major part of your search. The next thing is what type of work do you want to do to your project? You need to think of the skills you want to learn or already have. If you can't weld then perhaps steer away from anything that is likely to require it - unless of course you want to learn, but lying under a chassis is not always the easiest for this. If you want to do the mechanical and bodywork then a defender or series could be good (frustrating at times) fun. Welcome to forum. Lots of helpful and knowledgeable folk on here. Once you know what you fancy, make it known on here and people will let you know what to look for to get what you need. Good luck. Please excuse the lack of spaces in this post but my phone is playing up since the last upgrade!
Hello and welcome:)
Welcome to landyzone. Perhaps if you could give us an indication of which of the landrover range interests you most, we can give some specific advice if you like slow, old and (relatively) dependable, an old series might suit. If you like pulling your hair out by the roots and solving complex problems, a rangerover, or something in between, a freelander.

Thanks for the welcome, guys. What I want out of the vehicle breaks down into 2 phases
1 - I want to do the work. I want to learn new skills, awaken old skills and polish skills I have but need to use more. I'm competent with spanners but less competent in diagnosing problems and deciding what's OK and what needs replacing in some componants. I haven't welded in a long time (like, 40 years) and even then it was arc-welding and oxy-acet, not TIG or MIG. That, I want to change and want to get competent. I'm happy for the process to be slow, so long as it gets me to my desired goal and I learn stuff.

2 - My end goal. I want a second car that will drive the lanes at 45mph, take me to the beach and pub as well as carry stuff for other hobbies - wood, garden waste, furniture and the like. I want to end up with a car that is inside out - great mechanicals, ok (clean and not too ripped) interior, don't care about the cosmetics on the outside. I don't plan on much off roading other than on farm tracks to help neighbours haul stuff - logs from downed trees is the current chore. Maybe so light green lanes if there's a pub at the end. I have a real car to go places quickly - this isn't a daily driver.

I want to get from purchase to done by Jan 2025. I know an old car is never done, but I want to move from restore to maintain by then. If possible.

I was thinking series 3 (because sycho is easier) or early Defender (pre-1990). Petrol rather than deisel. 88/90 rather than 109/110 although TBH I'm not 100% wedded to that. My main problen is I'm tall - very long leg legth so I know I will need some modifications. That rules out a pick-up I think.
A series 3 is a good choice if you want a work horse that doesnt require a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. The parts are cheap and they are easy to fix. a long wheel base give most flexibility for carrying loads, the downside is the turning circle is a pain especially for tight parking. The two main things to look for a good chassis and a good bulkhead. If you can get one with a galvenised chassis, so much the better. Series hold their value wdll and if you buy the right one, a little work on it will make it an investment. Petrol is the best in my opinion, quieter and quicker but the fuel economy isnt great, I get about 17 to 20 mpg out of my 109 station wagon. Im 6ft 3 and I fit in it ok but the driving position (bolt upright) gets a bit of getting used to. Make sure you test drive an potential purchase, neglected ones suffer from poor steering and brakes. Having said that, the brakes and steering arent great compared to a.modern car but the do offer a unique driving experience. Try not to buy a ringer.

A series 3 is a good choice if you want a work horse that doesnt require a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. The parts are cheap and they are easy to fix. a long wheel base give most flexibility for carrying loads, the downside is the turning circle is a pain especially for tight parking. The two main things to look for a good chassis and a good bulkhead. If you can get one with a galvenised chassis, so much the better. Series hold their value wdll and if you buy the right one, a little work on it will make it an investment. Petrol is the best in my opinion, quieter and quicker but the fuel economy isnt great, I get about 17 to 20 mpg out of my 109 station wagon. Im 6ft 3 and I fit in it ok but the driving position (bolt upright) gets a bit of getting used to. Make sure you test drive an potential purchase, neglected ones suffer from poor steering and brakes. Having said that, the brakes and steering arent great compared to a.modern car but the do offer a unique driving experience. Try not to buy a ringer.


Dumb question.....what's a ringer?
Firstly welcome:).

I think a landy fits your requirements nicely it will keep you learning and will not give up give new experiences:eek:.


Dumb question.....what's a ringer?

Something that usually looks very nice, is a cheapish price, but the parts dont match the year, and the numbers make no sense;)

I.E the chassis number says its a 1995 but the body says its not (or the advert). Or the reverse;)

They are a very nick able vehicles so peeps take advantage. As nice as a galvanized chassis is, proof to go with the change is always good to have.
As a nicked 1 can easily be put on a different chassis.

Have you seen the Land rover VIN numbers for sale on evil bay:eek:.

So just beware and dont rush in:). You can always come here, defender/series section and ask if doubts.


Good luck in your search and hope we see you around:)

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