
New Member
i have just bought a disco and no nowt about them! its a td5 and its a 2001
when i got it it was sold to me by a farmer and i viewed it in a huge shed. i liked it so bought it...then i got it home, and the next day i realised why he showed me in a shed, there were pools of water in the gearstick and all over the back seats ( it rained all night) the roof felt around the insides was soaking wet. also the rear of the jeep was flat on the floor.
i found the button that pumps it up and cleaned up the water and took it for a run. straightaway i noticed that the power steering was not working and was squealing like crazy so topped up the fluid (it was full the night before) and off i went.
I was feeling really daft that i bought a jeep without taking anyone with me that knows about these things. lesson learned there!
anyway, when its running its great, i just love it and am hoping i dont have to sell it.
the back end randomly goes down to the ground, i could just pop into a shop and it would be down or it could sit all night and stay up!
i put it into a garage and the mechanic soaped the airbags and there are no leaks, he says the front has been converted to springs. he is a mot garage and couldnt free up his ramp to spend any longer taking it to bits to look any more ( he was a friend doing a favour)
he also put some sort of sealant into the steering fluid and that has worked. thats one problem gone.
also, for the past week the rear hasnt gone down once- very strange! any way the only thing i am worried about now apart from the huge amount of water that comes in when it rains ( i park it on a hill at the mo so that helps)
is a very funny clunking noise. when i approach a junction or lights and slow down it does a loud clunk, more when i am not in a gear. i think its coming from the front. i havent noticed it when i am driving.
sorry about the long post, and as you can probably tell i know zero about cars. does anyone have any ideas what the clunking may be? i have a freind who could possibly fix it but i would need to be able to sound like i have a clue at least
thanks in advance
1. It int a fooking J**P It's a Landrover. & we get twitchy when peeps call em J**PS.
2. Ya sunroofs are leaking common fault and lots of threads on here with the cure (silicone sealent and lots of it)
3. Lots of threads on airbags on ere as well. :D & IIRC that the 7 seaters had airbags at the rears to allow for the extra weight? and springs at the front.
oops!! fancy calling a landrover a jeep on here.:eek: it's not always the airbags that cause susspension drop. could be somat to do with the commpressor.lots of info on here about it, just do a search. and as pikey said, they never had air bags on the front(suggest you go to a garage that knows at least somat about em) and please!!!!! STOP CALLING OUR LANDROVERS JEEPS!!! we do get terribly upset you know.

told you i knew nowt about them!!:eek:
ok no more jeep talk!
thanks for the advice though, i will look things up on here and see if i can resolve the problems. re; clunking, i was out today and its knocking when driving too, could this be serious, should i not drive it for now?
Clunk: Watts link bushes I guess if its side to side movement (try rocking the rear side to side as that sounds like it comes from the front)
Possibly the uj thing in the props if on or off drive need to get under and inspect the ujs

Suspension: unsettleing a conection or the compressor unit haveing a moment I guess if it drops that fast you should hear the air escapeing

Hope this helps
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I would guess the intermittent air suspension could be a fault in the ECU, occasionally, it would be fine, but some days, it could all go wrong. You'll need computer software or you can get a gadget (don't know what they are called, can't remember) to reset the computer of the fault code, the fault will be logged on the computer, the computer will know it is there until it is deleted off the system.
With the clunking, have no clue, I had previously owned an older model, but with the clunking, maybe a bearing, steering damper, breaks, no clue until I know what kind of clunking sound and where from. Oh and when my Disco made a clunk, it was when my rear exhaust part fell off when driving on bumpy dirt tracks.

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