cheers zaphod... I will have a look tommorrow... im a jag man usually and have got use to them.

Its odd becuase at no time in the 400 miles Ive done has the temp gauge risen, I dont know if the thermostat has gone or generally its knackered. The garage said there was smoke coming from the engine and the exhaust and said something could be warped?? I was still getting over the shock! They said there was a missfire too. When it was smokey, I noticed a smell of petrol, and blue smoke out the back, it was also down on power and pinking quite a lot. I used it this morning and it was fine,

Frankly I dont really trust garages.... no offence to anyone, they were keen to say 5 grand for a new engine. Im down in Eastbourne and could do with finding someone down this way.

Ideally I want to clean it up, and sell it as spares, but I would want to be honest and say exactly what the problem is on it.

cheers all

The temp guage is a worry, but before getting excited, does the heater work and blow hot air? if so then the guage is not working nothing to worry about. If it rises when left idleing or in traffic and then drops like a stone when you get moving then either the theormstat is stuck open or its been removed. Either way the engine will be running on choke, and as a result down on power (it will be fouling the plugs with a missfire) and inclined to blow some smoke (and have a black sooty ring round the tailpipe). MPG will also be dreadfull. Take a look at the plugs, if the end is black and sooty then its running rich as a result of never getting hot. Replace the theromstat and see how it goes, if the 'stat is missing then its possibly been removed to hide overheating, but you won't know untill the new one is fitted.

With luck that is all that is wrong, if all is well with a new thermostat then I'd keep the car if it all goes horribly hot then take it out and sell it on as you are planning.

i meant the valve seals on the heads not exhaust
you may be surprised to learn the the exhaust valves are in the heads on OHV engines, as are the inlet valves. On some engines only the inlet has seals, but most have them on inlet and exhaust valves

To me this just sounds like a neglected engine. Smell of petrol, poor running, down on power, could be something as simple as a O2 sensor/s or MAF. Blue smoke usually means burning oil which could be valve stem seals as mentioned (cheap) or rings (not so cheap ) As mentioned, the absolute minimum you need to do is get the plugs out, number them up and post a picture on here.

Alternativly go down the other route and use Money Claim Online and sue the mother. It is realy easy but will cost you about £100. I think you have a good case if you can get a written statement from the garage stating the history and known faults and you have a reciept from when you bought it that DOESNT state sold as seen. I have some good links to help forums if you decide to go down this route. Can you imagine the joy you would get if you had the power to send a bailif round his house to recover your money ?

Either way keep us posted.
or something as simple as a dead spark plug or lead. someone suggested quite early on to check the plugs and i'd second that. blue smoke and pinking can also be from fuel contamination.
i will see what i can do about the plugs...

The car has done 140k but its 10k over due for a service.... this is what prompted me to buy it, running a bit lumpy, so a service i thought would sort it.

zaphod: the temp guage to me is functioning ok, rises to normal after a few miles, doesnt seem to rise in traffic, and i think the heater is functioning ok. I will check tom when the car is runnning. thanks guys for all the suggestions
i'd put money on valve stem seals not having been changed when h/g was done!!!

i would also take the top hose off( if you intend to change coolant) and if its difficult to remove and there is a trace of copper flecks in the 'joint' or a whiteish scale then i would say they have put a sealer in it and off loaded it!!

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