ffs boomer that gave me a head ache shouting in red ffs hows kent by the way

Hi m8,
Kent is grrrrrrrreeeeeaaaattttt.........except I'm not down there this weekend:mad:
Life is real good at the mo.
Sorry to shout but you know how it is, doesnt bother me what that the 'gert whales fanny' says, he's got stamina I'll give him that.
You got your 90 sorted yet?
just off to chans to get a bit of rat cat and dog in a curry sauce with chippies
jaysus you lot r makin my mouth water wit all this talk of chippies, last time I got decent chips was when home in Aberdeen last year, Irish chips are ****e.:mad::mad::mad:
hi boomer, nearly, going to have a test firing in the morning and then on with the body work probably couple of months tho, moving me work stores into fencewise followed by hernia op in may and back to college in june to update me gas qaulifications:doh:
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My my what a big font you have!

Tell me, how long does a person have to respond to you before they are out of time?

The fact that you don't have any patience in awaiting my response to your immitation olive branch offer is a sign of your fake intent. Couple that with your more familiar role of reverting back to 'type' only cements the fact that you probably don't possess an ounce of sincerity within you!

By 'constructive' I take it you mean re LRs? I am currently involved in other constructive questions but if you can't get a graft on what construction means then it would explain why it has all passed you by.

Ps: I will ask LR related questions as and when I choose, not when you want me to.


thats the sound of nobody caring what the ****! you think!!
hi boomer, nearly, going to have a test firing in the morning and then on with the body work probably couple of months tho, moving me work stores into fencewise followed by hernia op in may and back to college in june to update me gas qaulifications:doh:

You could always ask Daft for help - might be ready by 2012 :rolleyes::D
No heavy weights for you after the op - give me a shout if you need a hand.


thats the sound of nobody caring what the ****! you think!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
So if LRD5 is a troll, which bridge do you reckon he hails from?

i agree.... and more to the point...which other landy site did he crawl out of ?????

I'm beginning to think he's not from Dorset at all.......
Just a hunch......
Another planet perhaps?

Is it Ming in disguise????:D
Portland maybe.
He seems interbred with a chip on his shoulder, thinks he's better than everyone else........
Yep, definitely Portland :D

the chip on his shoulder definetly denotes he's virticly challenged all the hallmarks of a short ass coont!:mad:
yep, I'm painting a picture of this guy.
mouthy, interbred short arse coont.
sounds a bit like speedwaybabes soon to be ex husband........:D

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