Oh dear, I've missed all the fun again :rolleyes:
Where is this newbie from Dorset from?
Sounds like another one of those pretentious city types who have a shiny Landy which only see tarmac and now plague the county.
If you are, trying to enforce your opinion on us on LZ will have the same effect as doing the same in a village - the locals will tell you to feck off!!
Perhaps he needs a little S*L*U*T initiation trip?
Or if you want a proper war of words, come look me up :D
Oh dear, I've missed all the fun again :rolleyes:
Where is this newbie from Dorset from?
Sounds like another one of those pretentious city types who have a shiny Landy which only see tarmac and now plague the county.
If you are, trying to enforce your opinion on us on LZ will have the same effect as doing the same in a village - the locals will tell you to feck off!!
Perhaps he needs a little S*L*U*T initiation trip?
Or if you want a proper war of words, come look me up :D

Nice to see you Boomer. I take it you're dongle's working ok now?:p
Nope, on home wireless.
I am having a browse of THAT thread..........bastids.


Did ya kick dafts arse earlier to 'help' motivate him?;)

Did ya kick dafts arse earlier to 'help' motivate him?;)

I gorra say that Daft has done really well with his Tufftee rebuild so far - I'm quite impressed with the quality of his work.
Now I've seen where he's doing the rebuild I can understand why it's taking so long as well.
Cold east wind cuts right into his driveway so its easy to see why he hasn't been able to do much when it was cold.
I gorra say that Daft has done really well with his Tufftee rebuild so far - I'm quite impressed with the quality of his work.
Now I've seen where he's doing the rebuild I can understand why it's taking so long as well.
Cold east wind cuts right into his driveway so its easy to see why he hasn't been able to do much when it was cold.

I know that feeling. I keep my landy in what might as well be a wind tunnel. :(
The wind aint warm and wet enough to be Drewster.;)

I think it's more worrying that you consider yourself to be an authority on the temperate climate of Drewsters arse - are you stuck in the closet or something? :p:D
I think it's more worrying that you consider yourself to be an authority on the temperate climate of Drewsters arse - are you stuck in the closet or something? :p:D

having followed in his pungent wake more than once, I consider myself to be a fairly experienced on subject of the chemical wepon known as 'Drewster':p
having followed in his pungent wake more than once, I consider myself to be a fairly experienced on subject of the chemical wepon known as 'Drewster':p

Why do you keeep going back for more??
I think it's more worrying that you consider yourself to be an authority on the temperate climate of Drewsters arse - are you stuck in the closet or something? :p:D

I'm not stuck. I'm erm.........looking for my contact lense.:eek:
Oh dear, I've missed all the fun again :rolleyes:
Where is this newbie from Dorset from?
Sounds like another one of those pretentious city types who have a shiny Landy which only see tarmac and now plague the county.
If you are, trying to enforce your opinion on us on LZ will have the same effect as doing the same in a village - the locals will tell you to feck off!!
Perhaps he needs a little S*L*U*T initiation trip?
Or if you want a proper war of words, come look me up :D


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