
Well-Known Member
All this crazy ass rain has shown up a new leak! More of a tap really, water is flooding in through the passanger footwell just below where the speaker is. The carpet in there is totally soaked.

Soon as the rain lets up going to look behind the speaker see if I can see where its coming from.

Also raining in the back lol, more condensation through the foam its ridiculous.

Anyone else noticed any new leaks?
Why do we want to know where it's coming in?

It's a Fender and it leaks in and then leaks out again! :) :)

Carpets? In a Fender? FFS!!
drivers door seal is letting in just where the bulkhead moves out from the window, got a new seal in shed and trying to source some dum dum.....oh and ma sliding windows on one side is letting in....time to change the felt runners me thinks!
I nicked the carpets out of my grans Merc she was scraping. I take em out when off
road/laning but reduces the sound massivley when on the road.

I know it leaks but its never been this bad!
My old series used to snow in, in the back.
Proper snow flakes on the bench seats, although strangely, not that much water came in in the back. Must of been the wind pushing the snow through.

The front was like a sieve however.
Somewhere on the old Landyzone is the official Land-Rover leak detection manual, this helped me cure a few leaks on mine.
Also a chap who's sourced dumdum, got it for a morris minor I think:scratching_chin:
We've had a lot of wind with the rain over the last few days which may have helped it get in. I've certainly noticed that both with mine and a friend's the amount of water you find in the footwells depends on where the door seals are in relation to the prevailing wind. Plus there's often a bit extra that runs into the footwell when you open the door from the point where the body kicks out just below the windows.
No but finally sorted my leaking sunroof in my Disco, would drip on the baby's head whilst she was in her car seat!

What a poor design, the glass just sits on top of the rubber, not to mention it looks like someone has been on top of the truck and bend the roof so the glass doesn't sit flat on it by the wheel that you open it with!

Sorted with a tube of silicone so hopefully should do the trick. Just hope the front one doesn't start leaking too

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