@Saint.V8 How goes things with both new additions
Well you did ask.....


Scared us fecking silly on Friday....thankfully he is OK now and feeding well and back to his normal self - fingers crossed this never happens again!
Jeez Ant, that is scary. Makes me worrying about the car seem way out of perspective. Glad he's ok now, long may it last.
On a lighter note, well done the V8 for being reliable when she was needed ;)
:eek: poor little guy hope that it was just a reaction and all is well, as a parent that sort of thing is your worst nightmare, hope you have managed to calm down ás well.
Glad everything is looking to be OK, most scary thing in that situation is just being helpless yourself.
Had similar with our daughter when she was tiny, ambulance took 4 mins to get to us from 4 miles away. Longest 4 minutes of my life, even worse for the doris I imagine, I was outside waiting to direct the ambulance.
Wow, glad everything’s ok, it doesn’t get easier as they get older either,my eldest is 27 with two kids of her own and still worries me sh§§less. Good job with the Rangey but more so thank god for our brilliant NHS. :)
Wow, glad everything’s ok, it doesn’t get easier as they get older either,my eldest is 27 with two kids of her own and still worries me sh§§less. Good job with the Rangey but more so thank god for our brilliant NHS. :)
My lads 47and has three kids of his own and I still worry about him. Worse time was when he was18 and attached to the American Marines during the first Gulf war :eek: Glad your sons OK Ant
My lads 47and has three kids of his own and I still worry about him. Worse time was when he was18 and attached to the American Marines during the first Gulf war :eek: Glad your sons OK Ant
I'd have been more worried about him being att'd to septics, than being in the Gulf :D

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