hi and :welcome2: hope you enjoy the site and get plenty of info.

im in the process of starting to replace my rear floor cos mine is terrible (pics on discovery rear floor rottern) but once you start one bit of rust lots more just keeps appearing anyway good luck with your floor and keep us updated.

atb lee
Thanks Lee
I have a feeling its gonna be like the never ending story of rust, but hey it will keep me busy and out of trouble at least :p
it certainly will keep you out of trouble because if its like mine then it will be never ending :eek:,my front inner wings and both os and ns inner and outer sills need doing but i have been advised to buy a tomcat frame as i only use my disco for off roading and it will be alot cheaper then repairing the rottern parts profesionaly and make the vehicle worth alot more.
Not shaw what others think on here about that idea but it will be good to hear there comments

atb lee
the trouble is mhm i've never picked up a welder so i wouldn't trust my welding skills at all,i would prob make the disco 10 x worse lol.

atb lee
i agree with that and its going to be number 1 and a case of practice makes perfect,i just wished i had a garage/shed to pratice in but i guess its all part of the fun of being a landy owner.

atb lee
This site is brilliant. I have never laughed so much. I love the learn to do it yourself or rob a bank bit. Brilliant. I have just bought my defender and its decidedly orange underneath but looks not too bad. Flapper wheel will be the next purchase i think, and apparently some hammerite. Although primer looks good, and then there is battleship grey military paint - I know thats tough as sh*t.
I know the feeling i'm gonna be under my car all weekend cleaning it up, rust treating it and then covering it with protector (any suggestions of a good protector that cheap but not oil LoL) preferably can be painted on.

I also successfully repaired my boot lock last night and also replaced the lock barrel how much fun did i have;) Whoever said this was a easy job must enjoy fiddly tricky things that make you swear on numerous occasions and it only took me 4 hours :eek:. But quite sadly i'm actually proud of myself for getting on with it and doing it all myself without out using the oohhh i'm female and need a mans help card :D
I know the feeling i'm gonna be under my car all weekend cleaning it up, rust treating it and then covering it with protector (any suggestions of a good protector that cheap but not oil LoL) preferably can be painted on.

I also successfully repaired my boot lock last night and also replaced the lock barrel how much fun did i have;) Whoever said this was a easy job must enjoy fiddly tricky things that make you swear on numerous occasions and it only took me 4 hours :eek:. But quite sadly i'm actually proud of myself for getting on with it and doing it all myself without out using the oohhh i'm female and need a mans help card :D

well after rummaging on here for a few days the general opinion is - scrape it with a wire brush, buff it with a flap wheel (a drill bit that fits in your drill and has many leaves of sand paper forming a round shape) and then hammerite it to death, "if your John Wayne he would use bath sealant", and then waxoyle it. I dont know what wax oyle is but it sounds like the stuff I use on wood. Wax which is oil based. Oil dries out leaving wax. Its hard like butter out of the fridge but will go on with a brush. If I am talking ****e a google of waxoyle no doubt will bring back a million or so images of the product including sexual ones that would make a prostitutes knees tremble and even pee a little.
Good luck with the clean up. I want to do mine but also scared what I might find. If its passed its MOT do I sit in it blissfully unaware of problems or do I dare to go looking. I gave it a good look over when I bought it. My dads an ex panel beater so he taught me what to look for. ON fiats, BMW's, and various other cars just not a landy. So I am wishing I had read the hit various bits with a hammer thread. Also there was an odd white fat like substance between the rear cab plate and the drivers seat. I just examined this substance with the key, and decided that it was not of landy but possibly man made origin and would therefore only need scraping out and disposing of. Then I read the bit about the batteries. Hopefully its nothing to do with that. So Its my first landy and may well be a baptism of fire . . . . yaaaaay woooohoooo:doh:

Waxoyle apparently - http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/...6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istItemId=liimww&istBid=t
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Hey Stormm
you sound like you are in the same boat as myself. If i was you just bite the bullet and get under it, do the entire underside with a wire brush and then treat, thats what i'm doing anyways i would rather find the problem now and treat than leave anything that might be there to get any worse, plus it will make the underside of my car look pretty :cool: even though i dont find many people lying under my car to have a look.
The only job at the mo worrying me is the state of one of my back doors where the top ally panel is coming away from the metal frame it should be attached too(does this make sense) not sure how to deal with this yet as it is not a case of 'ohhh just scrap it off, rust treat and paint' jobby. Yet strangley my arches are in great condition but the sills have abit to be desired, i cannot moan though i bought it and have brought this work upon myself.:D
Hey Stormm
you sound like you are in the same boat as myself. If i was you just bite the bullet and get under it, do the entire underside with a wire brush and then treat, thats what i'm doing anyways i would rather find the problem now and treat than leave anything that might be there to get any worse, plus it will make the underside of my car look pretty :cool: even though i dont find many people lying under my car to have a look.
The only job at the mo worrying me is the state of one of my back doors where the top ally panel is coming away from the metal frame it should be attached too(does this make sense) not sure how to deal with this yet as it is not a case of 'ohhh just scrap it off, rust treat and paint' jobby. Yet strangley my arches are in great condition but the sills have abit to be desired, i cannot moan though i bought it and have brought this work upon myself.:D

LMAO yup I brought this on myself too lol. Sigh. As for the door I would take photos and post on here asking for help. Upload them onto flickr its really easy and them put the link in your text. Everyone seems so very helpful on here and soooooooo funny.
hey everyone including you tabby and stormm, looks as though we are in the same boat. i also have a L reg disco with plenty of rust for 5 discos (over exageration lol) any way just to let ya no tabby my undersideof my disco has got places to touch up and also my rear floor pan needs replacing so your not alone lmao. Fortunatly ive just put a new roof on my garage so i can work in it now wooohoooo lol.

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