i see, best save my 20 bucks then! it did say good for radiators and fence panels! guess the finish is toss. will stick to me 4" rollers :)

night night all
There not even any good fer fence pannels we had a couple at work a couple of years ago got em from Machine Mart they both burnt out in 10 or 15 minutes, one spraying creasote the other watered down emulsion, we wern't doing owt it didn't say they couldn't do on the box. They wouldnt give us the money back on one till we had a barney, Dint try on the second cos an arsehole bought it an we dint like him.
Bloody hell, are you still being greeted? Can't you post something in another section, it's making the other noobs jealous!
it has dragged on abit. And the conclusion is that ally aint up for it.
but to be fair it wer yella and grif gon off on a tangent for a bit of it.

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