allo ally - welcome to loonyzone
dunt leave us in suspenders - wot yer bought, got any pics?
we like pics
Ahem. Why hello there Ally, DING DONG.

Eh up lads it's anuffer of them wimmin things.
Loitering with intent waitin fer young wimmin to prey on. Ey is it raining there yet ave yer got yer sand bags ready an the roof on yer vehicle.
Nah - just walked the dogs in just a T shirt and jeans - nice sunset.
Yup - got a roof, new front doors (with leccy winders that wurk) but no back door yet.

Anyway, them wimmins is attracted ter me magnetic personality!
Don't do it Ally. It always starts like this a few innocent questions then you'll be drawn into a web of deceit and falshoods, and one day it may be in a week it may be in a year but one day you'll wake up an realise that you have been hoodwinked and your precious 300Tdi will not be there, he'll have taken it from under your nose and left you to pick up the pieces and a life of drudgery. But that will be nothing compared to what would have happened if Slobs puter want bust.
Don't do it Ally. It always starts like this a few innocent questions then you'll be drawn into a web of deceit and falshoods, and one day it may be in a week it may be in a year but one day you'll wake up an realise that you have been hoodwinked and your precious 300Tdi will not be there, he'll have taken it from under your nose and left you to pick up the pieces and a life of drudgery. But that will be nothing compared to what would have happened if Slobs puter want bust.


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