
New Member
hi just picked up my first landy today. drove it from liverpool to glasgow. when arriving home I tried to start it up to park it up for the night and it just wouldn't start, it kept mis-firing then cutting out. Have been told by a friend it needs points, not knowing much about cars could someone tell me if this could be correct. Also on lifting my foot from the accelorator I get a bit of vibration coming from underneath the landy and towards the back. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanx.....

Welcome to the world of HI Maintenance
Give us a clue :confused:

Which of the fine Landy models do you have and which engine are you running? :confused:
Ey oop Neily :)
Ex-military Rovers are a bit special :cool:
Not sure about that points thingy as I'm a Diesel driver meself. But that second prob sounds like it could be worn U-joint on yer rear propshaft. Get underneath and have a butcher's

Hi and welcome, Yeah vibration could be a UJ on the rear prop, as for the miss firing could be the plugs and or points. Have a look at them but also check out the dizzy cap, if it is cracked (which happens) the same can happen. All 3 items are easy to replace and cheap.
Good luck and welcome to a life with Land Rovers
Sandy xxx

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