Hi everyone this is my first post and was just looking for a bit of info/help on my new landy I bought. Right well it's an 1985 110 defender, 2.5 diesel with 210k on the clock,it has 6 months tax and a new Mot, it was semi converted as a sort mini camper style but not been done to well so my plans are to strip it all out and start again, anyway I drove it home yesterday from Worcester to Newcastle and it was interesting to say the least, I know these are old noisy cars but there was quite a bit of transmission noises coming from around the tunnel at higher revs in 2nd and 3rd, the guy I bought it off said the clutch release bearing was the cause but he said it would be fine for minimal use which is all I plan as this is going to be my second car for messing about in. So basically what I want to know is where to start to try and reduce the transmission noise a bit, the gearbox seems fine all gears select correctly and there is no major banging or vibrations but I'm sure it could be made a bit better, I really love the car even after a 7 hour drive last night after the a1m was shut all day!!!

Any info would a great thanks again

Any noise from the clutch release bearing will change when you put your foot on the clutch and will not generally vary from one gear to the next, I would start with a good service and change the gearbox and transfer box oil, there may be little in there, at the same time grease and check all the prop UJ's as these can set up a vibration. After that, some sound deadening material around the tunnel would help!
Thanks again for your quick reply, It makes sense to do that first before changing parts I guess, I drove her this morning though and it wasn't half as bad as I originally thought, I think the noises are def more related to the clutch though as they seem to occur when changing gears around 2nd and third, also had a little whiff of clutch smell on a uphill start earlier today but not to sure if this is normal or not? have you got any how to guides for service the transfer boxes on here sorry haven't had a chance to have a trawl through site yet, thanks again for your help will try and get some pics up soon
Where abouts in Newcastle are you?

PM me and I might be able to come along and have a look/listen, and see if we can get you sorted!
I live bang in the city centre, but she's currently at my mates in westerhope as can't get her in my underground space die to the roof rack!, I can drive to you, that would be great, as I say haven't got much experience with defenders so a experienced eye/ear would be great thanks James

Try these. I find they eliminate most noise
First thing you need to do is sort out some security, disclock, pedal box lock , defenders are hot on the nicking list , without something to slow them down they can be taken in minutes

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