Green Achers

New Member

My name is Bill and I have been enjoying my first Land Rover - 1998 Discovery. This is my forth 4wd (if you don't include a Grand Cherokee that my wife once had). So three Bronco's and now totally enjoying this D1.

My name is Bill and I have been enjoying my first Land Rover - 1998 Discovery. This is my forth 4wd (if you don't include a Grand Cherokee that my wife once had). So three Bronco's and now totally enjoying this D1.

:welcome2: to landyzone.:)

Are you leaning because you'd been drinking or are you leaning cos I've been drinking?:confused::eek::p
LOL. Actually, I'm standing straight up on the 'level' section that I backed down to when I failed to climb a section (Tahoe Rim Trail, 400 feet North/West from the 1964 plane crash). Fun picture I think.

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