
New Member
Hi Everyone!

What the hell have I let myself in for ?...

Just 3 days ago I purchased a lovely Freelander 1 HSE TD4 - it is now languishing in my local garage awaiting a high pressure fuel pump - no chance to get it working again until Monday when I face a very large bill. Symptoms were: difficult to start followed by very rough running (misfire).

So, not a great start.

It seems I may be needing your help in the future !
-maybe to help me the transmission vibration at motorway speed...(to the usual helpful poster - No, I haven't done a search yet ;))

The car looks so nice, I hope I can grow to love it.
Crazy isnt it..I think he may be lying as there is no way they last that long !:D
Pass the mint sauce ....no that's not minty gettin' smutty..:rolleyes:

:welcome2: to looney zone
Rule 1 ...never buy a gaylander..:doh:
He comes on here and immediately admits that he's got a Gaylander and he's spending money on it ! ! !

Yer doomed laddie, doomed I tell ya.

Welcome anyway
Welcome your learn ,centre propshaft rings a note on your vibration problem , most people take the rear off or stick it in the shed and forget about it , ps your save fuel and money too , fancy buying a freelander ...,

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