And how many of those 10K were off road?
I'm not claiming it's as good off road as a Defender, but it is far better than many suspect. It will go places many Defender owners don't realise their Defender will go! Of course it does take a bit more skill when the going gets rough, it's not just point & squirt like a modern Defender.

hard to say - maybe 500 ish but that's plenty to know what it can do, the electrickery makes it much more of a point and squirt than a depender will ever be - however i suspect the next depender will be some horrible abortion combining the new disco with a more rounded dependerish body, along with a brain the size of a plannet

as i said before the F2 is a semi decent car, if peeps would read carefully i'm not knocking it - i was just suggesting that the OP do some research
Don't be put off by these anti-freelanderers, they think all landrovers should be tractors and any modern refinements are witchcraft. The freelander2 is a totally different vehicle compared to the freelander1. The freelander2 is an excellent choice of vehicle and most if not all of the anti-freelanderers on this site won't even been in one let alone driven one. Just tell them to fook off.

Thanks. You know what? I was about to suggest just that... If someone came up and said 'I have owned it, driven it, did not like it' I would have taken heed. Now it all sounds a bit too abstract, and to be frank, rather pointless. I have learned nothing (apart from receiving a cold welcome) and, to be honest, am slightly bemused. So be it. Wonderful human nature...
your find culture here, just need to take it as it is-because you will find a good natured bunch of wind up merchants
Howard- you know nothing about me, apart from what yu like to see on here. Your mind is closed.
Two ears, one mouth- use them in that order.
So have you owned a FL2 then? If you have I apologise, but I thought you had the FL1 V6 which you replaced with an X-Trail.
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Thanks. You know what? I was about to suggest just that... If someone came up and said 'I have owned it, driven it, did not like it' I would have taken heed. Now it all sounds a bit too abstract, and to be frank, rather pointless. I have learned nothing (apart from receiving a cold welcome) and, to be honest, am slightly bemused. So be it. Wonderful human nature...

despite the fact that i don't own it - do you not think that having now driven 10k + in one gives me some small ability to make an informed (albeit very personal) comment ?

you did ask for opinions, perhaps like many others on here you got a mard on when that opinion wasn't in line with your preconceptions ?

at the end of the day it's your money, i'm not going to be loosing any sleep if you waste it
Right. X-trail eh? And I am the hairdresser...


This is a good point for me to say :welcome2:

As it looks like you've got the idea !!!!!

Trust me, stick around, there is good stuff on this well as a huge amount of p taking and abuse :D
So have you owned a FL2 then? If you have I apologise, but I thought you had the FL1 V6 which you replaced with an X-Trail.
I have (well - rented)
so you should
i did
i do.

I used to be a hairdresser, but stopped when more hair was appearing from my nose and ears, than the top of my head. I now own a real landrover (and a half).
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Well i tested the internet and the results are inconclusive...

Conclusion: Even the internet is not quite sure about pigs with tattoos, according to Google.

Nah :)

Although I did get an invite to test drive the Disco4 the other day. I wonder how they would react if I took the test drive and told them I would be interested in a fifteen years time!

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