Landy Recovery

New Member
Hi Guys,

Ive had a Quick look around your site and it seems a good place to be, I dont have a landy so i maybe in the wrong place but it seems a good place to have a chuckle, Plus if any of you guys get stuck in the mud ill be happy to pull you out with the Maverick :D :D
Hello..its ok, you're not the only one round here without a should be ok!!

(sorry heffs, had to be done :D)
Hmmmm one wonders whether you have thefaintest idea what you're letting yourself in for! I started with a shogun (now the wife's daily drive), and then joined here.... I've never been the same since.
Hi Guys,

Ive had a Quick look around your site and it seems a good place to be, I dont have a landy so i maybe in the wrong place but it seems a good place to have a chuckle, Plus if any of you guys get stuck in the mud ill be happy to pull you out with the ...MavePrick ......:D :D

Thats if you can get it started of course....................
did he say he had a maaaaaverlick ???? oh well some people just have no taste, stick around kido, WE WILL SHOW YOU THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS...
Does anyone remember them numpties that tried to drive round the world in mavericks via the baring sea ? Does anyone know if they made it ?


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