
New Member
so i have had lots of fords as they are pretty reliable and dont cost all that much to fix when they do go wrong. but, all good things eventually come to an end and after splitting up with my wife i was forced into buying a new (second hand) car. there seem to be a fair amount of of freelander 2's in the SH forums and reviews have been more favourable than not

anyhoo, i bought a 2008 F2 GS TD4 (160bhp). there are a few things that need taking care of, i either have a ball joint problem or the mac strut has seen better days! so obviously im not taking her any further than the local tesco/sainsbury for fear of putting too much stress on her which will cost me more than i can afford.

so also, i guess i should tell you i have never had an off roader before but watching a few videos they do look pretty handy when they arent being driven on the black top.

so thats me and my car. oh yeah, i guess i should include my name, which is Darren

Welcome to landyzone recruitment office. Glad to see you've sign up.
First training camp at Freelander section, for further upgrade of knowledge.
Second the best for ribbing and japes in anything goes.
Welcome to landyzone, freelanders are good vehicles and in my opinion the best of all landrovers especially if you're on a budget but taking it off road will start costing money in repairs if you're not handy with a toolkit.

Welcome to landyzone, freelanders are good vehicles and in my opinion the best of all landrovers especially if you're on a budget but taking it off road will start costing money in repairs if you're not handy with a toolkit.

i dont plan on taking it off road but its handy to know i can if i want to. its funny but until i bought a freelander they didnt look all that different from any other car. but this one is high off the ground with tons of space between the wheel and the body. it looks like it can go rock climbing to be honest. this car doesnt yet feel like mine, but once ive taken it for a long drive, gotten used to what all the new buttons do and if i can get out of a jam by putting my foot down, that sort of thing.

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