Ayup Disco people! Just had the horrible news that I’ll be needing a new cylinder head for my 02 plate TD5. Anyone have one that’s defo not cracked please?? Lincolnshire area ish please, thanks
Just remember their is a demand for these engines.

Some are ending up in post 2007 Defenders
Ok lads thanks for the advice and contacts. Are we sure a bubbling header tank = head gasket, probably cracked head please?
Are we sure a bubbling header tank = head gasket, probably cracked head please?

well, to be fair, you came on here saying it was knackered........Maybe you need to ask the question of the person who told you that? question how they tested it?

Thanks Neilly, yes I did but looking at previous threads it seems it’s pretty conclusive. I will insist on a sniff and pressure test being done first though if it’s gonna save me coin!
@Nige Corser

Perhaps if you explain in detail the full issue / history of the problem , someone may be able to give a more educated response. Would hate to see you being taken for a ride.

Hi lads, sorry for late reply, she’s gone! I stuck her in a ditch on Valentines Day! (Should be a song that!) Black ice eh! She’s a write off so saved me doing the head! Thanks for all your help, be back with a new one soon hopefully
Well, that was fortuitous................ probably...:eek:

Hope You are OK , have fun finding a new one. You could always keep the old one for spares....LOL.


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