
Active Member
Hi everyone!
I just registered to this forum.
Yes, you might kick me out in a minute. I'm from Germany and I drive a Hilux.
But then again, don't we all have the same interests, no matter what car we drive?!?
I'm planing on heading over to the UK at the end of April. Maybe even head to the Overland Show. Don't quite know if it's worth it.
The actual reason I registered was to find people who might show me a bit of greenlaning. Don't know too much about it. Different countries different rules.
So feel free to write!
Welcome.Have a look around the forums and get a feel for the place. If you love green oval then great, no matter what you drive ;) Many of us have more than one vehicle, it's almost mandatory with the marque. So you may find others with a hilux , or similar.
Be aware, banter is rife, don't take it personally and you will survive and possibly thrive :D

Have you been to the Adventure Overland Show in Stratford upon Avon? Is it worth going?
Are you up for the 3 days for badminton or just for cross country?

Plenty of greenlanes to drive near that area.
Some are tight & scratch paintwork others are open & have nice views.
Here's a few photos.



Looks great. But how do you find them?

I'll be staying in Badminton from tuesday to monday. Wanna see it all considering I have quite a few kms to get there.
You won't be far from me.
I can take you out for a day trip if you want?
I can show you a few lanes & where to go.
Yep, the Fiery Chilli Pringles seemed to just dissapear as soon as the lid was removed, and the Maoams are almost half gone. I'll have to try and pace myself, otherwise the Jelly Babies are gonna be gone by 3.

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