I should add that contrary to a lot of people on here, I've never found the handling of the Land Rover to be a problem. If you do the bushes when they need doing, replace wear items like ball joints steering swivel bearings and wheel bearings regularly it's nice and tight and very driveable. There are limitations, of course, such as the way it can understeer quite badly when I attempt to brake and corner hard at the same time, but that's not really the fault of the suspension.
Well I won't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't use as I just haven't got the experience to do so. I did recently refurbish some hockey sticks and I replaced the ones I removed with OEM ones. I didn't really have too many problems taking them out and I used the bush repair method of refitting (winding them in with a bolt) so they should be as original. I won't say it was the easiest job but I did manage it - I am not trying to make my vehicle anything special so I don't feel I need any improvement from better bushes, and my lack of experience could have easily led to me getting a type that wasn't too good.

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