Thanks all. I'm going to carry on looking myself, but there is the rubber seal tear to check. I'll attend to that first before I pay any more garage fee's.

When I open the sun roof it does get smellier, so the rear vacuum behind the car looks the culprit. Oh I thought XKR's and MV Agusta's were a voyage of discovery................


I'll keep you all posted on the outcome

I had a similar problem and as Steve says a careful look around the rear seals is a good Idea as is did cure the diesel whiff.

Look for distortions around the bottom corners and the general condition of the rear hatch seals

Yes I have that, bottom left hand corner :D
Could try some tempary gaffer tape over the rear upper and lower tailgate shuts and the rear vents to see if it is the seals?
Exhaust smell gone now! Now smells of hot diesel..... I think the diesel leak washed off the oil and that seemed to have cured the exhaust/hot oil smell! Hahahaha this is a voyage of discovery....

Main injector pipe to 4/5/6 burst on the M6 the other day - yummy!

So the RR is in the hospital getting it's pipes changed (and pre-emptively 1/2/3 pipe changed) and the pesky oil leak fixed.
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