
New Member
Hi All.

Sorry to be on the scrounge for answers/advice again so soon.

I believe i need a new Dizzy (its the only part I haven't changed on my electronics and thought what the hell!).

I am looking at simonbbc's site and they can supply either a Lucas 35DLM8 or their own powerspark version.

I have asked them and they claim they are the same although the powerspark is pattern but produces a better spark.

Anyone with any experience of the powerspark or for £20 odd notes shall i play it safe and get the Lucas?

I have seen a lot of positive reviews for the powerspark electronic conversions but not the full dizzy.

is there a reason for replaceing your dizy
not to insult your intelligents but the coil .leads and plugs are wot make a good spark
I am suspecting the Dizzy for three reasons.

1. I tried each lead directly on the coil and they all gave good sparks.

2. It has Lucas rotor arm and cap so i know they are as good as can be.

3. I took the dizzy apart to change the internals (thinking this was a problem) and the pattern parts where shocking...Meaning my re-install is suspect.
the lucas name was bought out.
the dizzy i was looking at on Tbay looked the same as the powerspark one.
probbley mad in same factory.if so go for the cheep one.
could be wrong though :dance:
those pattern parts that shocked you are probs what new ones are built with tbh
Hi rich.
I had problems with my bobtailed RRC, dizzy internals all siezed up, one bob weight was actually broken.
I bought a new powerspark one off the 'bay, and has been fine for several months of mudding so far
Cheers Joe.

I think i'll risk it seeing as its got a 3 year warranty and most feedback is pretty positive.

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