
Active Member
Hi everyone!

Did I say that I'd be back this year for a second round to the UK?
Well, I'm heading over end of August (only 4 weeks to go :)).
Plans so far...a bit of the south, Wales, the Lake District and then up to Scotland.
I'm always greatful for ideas, outings, nice spots or a bit of green laning.

The Hilux Girl

Wales and the Lake District will be fine, just the usual case of checking your routes to ensure there're no TRO's or voluntary restraints. Scotland on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. There aren't any 'green lanes' as such like we have in England and Wales. I'd need to look into it a little more as I've never driven my Landy in Scotland, but from what I understand, because the land is generally all privately owned with no 'rights of way', you need to seek the permission form the land owner to drive on the land.
When I've shown an interest before, I've always been advised to seek out local clubs/groups in the relevant areas and ask to tag along on any planned outings etc, or, get routes and contact names/phone numbers/address' and contact them directly to get the permissions you need.

Hope that helps

Wales and the Lake District will be fine, just the usual case of checking your routes to ensure there're no TRO's or voluntary restraints. Scotland on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. There aren't any 'green lanes' as such like we have in England and Wales. I'd need to look into it a little more as I've never driven my Landy in Scotland, but from what I understand, because the land is generally all privately owned with no 'rights of way', you need to seek the permission form the land owner to drive on the land.
When I've shown an interest before, I've always been advised to seek out local clubs/groups in the relevant areas and ask to tag along on any planned outings etc, or, get routes and contact names/phone numbers/address' and contact them directly to get the permissions you need.

Hope that helps
Thanks for the advice.
2 weeks to go!!!![/QUOTE
We were up in Scotland last week, the traffic on the A82 was very heavy from Loch Lomond
all the way up to Fort William and eased of after the turning to Sky on the A87.
Also coming home on the A9 it was fairly steady.
You should be ok when you get to Scotland the school holidays will be over, dont forget to
take plenty of midge spray with you it was bad with the little buggers when we were there.
Have a great trip its a beautiful country.
I'll see if l can find some.
But doesn't alcohol help? Good whiskey?
+ 1 with Kevstar, smidge is the stuff we use, also the Avon stuff the army use but
don't leave it out side at night when it goes cold it sets hard in the bottle.
Whisky, only if you use it to get hammered then you just don't care ;)
We traveled just over 1,300 miles in two weeks and that's spending quit a bit of time
doing things eg, canoeing, biking,walking,and drinking whisky:).
We live in North Wales so its a 447mile trip to were we started our holiday ( Glenelg on the west cost looking at Sky) Mal.

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