
Hey everyone just bought my first ever landy a 90 wolf water/winter
Very excited about it can't wait to do stuff in it I'm normally an off road rider new to 4x4 any groups or events info would be appreciated
Hiya Wolf.

Sounds like a nice motor , so it has deep water wading kit on it then, please show us some pics , we like pics.

To go greenlaning I suggest joining GLASS , similar to the TRF you may already be a member of. Also there are lots of local clubs on Facebook that organinse trips out etc.

Hiya Wolf.

Sounds like a nice motor , so it has deep water wading kit on it then, please show us some pics , we like pics.

To go greenlaning I suggest joining GLASS , similar to the TRF you may already be a member of. Also there are lots of local clubs on Facebook that organinse trips out etc.


Picking it up in a couple of days so will post some pics yeah fully waterproof royal marine version
Thanks for the info
Picking it up in a couple of days so will post some pics yeah fully waterproof royal marine version
Thanks for the info

One careful owner then......:D:D, Sounds awesome, have you looked at the vids on youtube of them being tested?

It is the same as that one
Are they prone to fail then

They can do, just after getting mine I had the one on the thermostat snap off, Caused a few moments of concern. Cheap to change and easy to do.

Sounds like you gonna have a fun time.
It will probably better on your knees than the bike too:)

They can do, just after getting mine I had the one on the thermostat snap off, Caused a few moments of concern. Cheap to change and easy to do.

Is there a specialist parts company or is it main dealer stuff
Loads of places sell them , When mine boke i got the replacement to get back on the road from B&Q as it is the same thread as a house rad plug. But if you google 300tdi rad plug brass then you should get a hit or 10.

Welcome to the forum

Increase the security. They're easily nicked
I'm hearing that quite a lot which is a bit worrying

Get a decent pedal lock box, disclock and gearstick lock. Stick a tracker on it get insured up to the eyeballs and enjoy!

Obviously, popping in the shops you'll just stick the pedal lock on or sumat but the more you've got it locked down overnight the better. Don't worry too much if they want it they'll have it anyway

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