Hello to everyone.
I've been reading the advice and information for sometime now and am very grateful to all. Just spent a miserable saturday waiting to be recovered by a well known organisation who's mechanic told me all td5s suffer only 2 faults ,wicking oil from the injecter loom into the ecu,which I checked and low a behold,a puddle of oil in the ecu.i didn't ask the second as I'd been wating 3 hours and he said he couldn't tow me home. Then along came a friend and his son in the 90 and offered to tow me home.some people are awsome. Having got home and missed all the rugby I was not in a very positive mood for the next days work to try and fix the problem. So next day storm Caira in full swing I proceeded to clean the ecu plug and ecu,then rocker cover off,hot glue sealing the top of the offending electrical connecters.still nothing. Tested the relay,all good.still no start. So fuel pump was tested and the feed was good,next the plug which I found to be a bit worse for wear.repairing the connecters and a quick repair of the plug all good.turn the engine twice and hey presto,perfect. Now my landy is back up to full power and all the trouble came from a faulty connection on the fuel pump. Loss of power first and then unable to bleed fuel system after changing the fuel filter. What I'm trying to say is in the wind cold and rain on sunday I had the best time for a while working on ,repairing and solving problems on my pride and joy. So if your ever feeling like it's all to much,keep going ,the impossable takes a bit longer
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