
New Member
Hi all just build up my ferst defender from scrach
well happy just starting the proses of geting a vin and reg if anyone has any tips to help me throw this proses pls let me no
I always wondered what the legal situation would be for that... what if you build a land rover with no official land rover parts? If so, I think it's not an official land rover and you'd be in the same situation as somebody that build a car totally from scratch with their own design (just a theory).

I hope that's not the case for you.

- Andrew
Sorry I can't offer any advice on this but I'm very interested to see how or what you'll have to register this as. Do you have to have a certain percentage of genuine bits to be called a landie? Think you're best bet would be just to call vosa and see what they say.
It will be down to the vehicle inspectors at the DVLA, you might need to have an SVA test on it and it may be treated as a kit car. You will only be able to register it as new if more than a certain percentage (I think around 80%???) of parts are new and you will need receipts for everything, otherwise they will treat it as of unknown age and give you a Q plate.

I think if you recall you will have built the vehicle up from a donor vehicle even if the reality is that you have effectively replaced virtually every part in the original vehicle.

If you hadn't have done that of course you would be subject to the IVA (more stringent SVA replacement) which is a whole world of pain that you don't want to be a part of. I suspect there are things on there, particularly if you built it up from an older donor vehicle, that wouldn't now pass the IVA test which the vehicle will be subjected to.

The donor vehicle registration will of course just carry through if it is a rebuild.

Find a scrapper landy that has a v5, take the vin plate off of the master cylinder and re-rivet it to your freshly built landy. hey presto you have all legal docs for your new landy:D note: might want to stamp some numbers on your new galv chassis that corrosion to your v5.

**disclaimer** this is not legal** I have not done it personally, but my mate done it and his landy has gone through countless MOT's
This is far easier than informing vosa and going through their 'points' bla.
So long as you have not stolen the parts from someone's pride and joy landy and Its all built well, and no hazard to anyone else (apart from yourself) no children, animals or minority's harmed in the building, running and upkeep of your landy.

then I think you should be ok:D

**Extra disclaimer** I have not done this, but it is a way I am aware of that people 'get around' your problem.

You could always go to vosa and get them to go over it with fine toothcomb, don't you need receipts and stuff to prove where you got stuff ect?. do all that and get a Q plate I believe;).
hello killnorton,what your about to read will probably make your eye's water and cause a little nausia but only if you want an age related reg plate.

firstly asuming you have the id from the donor vehicle and you have purchased a brand new chassis'you will only need two major component's from the donor vehicle.

second and this is where it get's painfull' you need comprehensive photographic documentation of the build as being built on a brand new chassis(you do still have the recipt for it dont you?) it's classed as a new build and will require an iva''it will fail the first test'' but if you've gone this far dont be dissheartened it could be somthing as trivial as a couple of 'p'clips.

finally i would strongly advise against just riviting the vin plate of a scrapper to it as this is efectivley(ringing)and you will lose you motor if and when found out,search the net for iva/sva info,theres lots of it'also have a read through some of the kit car forums these will be very helpfull as they all go through the same process.

good luck,dont cut corners and you'll have a nice landy at the end of it that YOU built ;)
Thanks all don't think I'll go with the scrapper thow
I have all the paper work from the galvo place I'm just haveing some probs with eBay of all things just been told I can not copy the paper work for any parts I got more than 91 days ago so don't no what I'm going to do about that yes see what that come back with
Having been through the SVA process with a kit I would strongly urge you against it but if you do go for the IVA, I hope all goes well.
surely there was a defender in your ownership at some point that no longer exists. i'm sure you built it off that. and as such thats what it should be registered under and is the easy option. If it is not made up in total of new bits then it will be a q-plate as it cannot be given an age. i presume it would have to be genuine parts only as well with receipts if you want to register it as a 10 plate.

my friend built a kit car....all brand new, genuine parts, except it had a second hand rear axle so had to have a q-plate.
There are 3 ways of building a car (and this assumes that it is a kit with a manufacturer that can provide all calculations necessary to justify the construction), simplifying:

i) To get a new reg plate you have to have all new parts save that you can have one major item (engine, gearbox etc) which is second hand - which is why you can get away with an old engine on kit cars and avoid the emissions as they are determined by the age of the engine and not the age of the vehicle.

ii) You can use a donor vehicle. You must use at least two major components from the donor car. That will get you an age related plate, relative to the donor.

iii) You can build a hotch potch of parts and get a q plate (or fall foul of the previous 2 for one reason or another). Because of teh requirement now to justify structural items etc this is now significantly more difficult than it used to be.

For each case you will need to take the vehicle for an IVA test, usually done at the local plating centre run by VOSA. The rules used not to be available on line but the new ones might be. If you pass this test you will then need get VOSA clearance. That is then processed and in due course you will be called to arrange an inspection by the DVLC who then inspect for the purposes of issuing the number plate. Sometime thereafter you get the number plate.


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