
Well-Known Member
Finally got round to checking my brakes properly I had a quick look at them when I got it and all seemed good but on proper inspection I found the pads cracking a classic sign of over heating the discs were let's say past their best.

So new brakes all round


  • 2014-07-31 14.13.28.jpg
    2014-07-31 14.13.28.jpg
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Look well them, hope my discs n pads will be here tomorrow so I will be doing mine, think im gona paint the calipers on mine as looking a bit sad, but if there past there best when had a good look at them will do them and the sliders as well.
Finally got round to checking my brakes properly I had a quick look at them when I got it and all seemed good but on proper inspection I found the pads cracking a classic sign of over heating the discs were let's say past their best.

So new brakes all round
Drilled and grooved discs are a waste of money on the P38 especially if you off road it.
Drilled and grooved discs are a waste of money on the P38 especially if you off road it.

as they didnt cost hardly any more than plain old standard ones drilled n grooved won me over. the only reason the caliper didnt get a coat of gold paint at the same time is due to the tin of paint i had in the garage had dried out.
On anything other than a proper sports car drilled and grooved discs are actually worse and less efficient!
On anything other than a proper sports car drilled and grooved discs are actually worse and less efficient!

well im not sure how you work that out but in combination with the ebc pads iv fitted its stopping pretty good thank you very much
Well, depending on the pads you're using too, you're only decreasing the friction surface. If you use crap pads, you'll wear them down a lot quicker too. It's also known that grooved and drilled discs are more prone to cracking than standard - more so when you use eBay specials.

I wouldn't put drilled and/or grooved on any car. Only use vented when required and EBC pads for the conditions. Drilled/grooved on a RR seems pretty pointless to me.
On anything other than a proper sports car drilled and grooved discs are actually worse and less efficient!

So let's examine your original comment as its a bit self contradicting, your actually suggesting that they only fit drilled and crossed discs to proper sports cars but your saying their worse than standard discs ERM no their not.
Well, depending on the pads you're using too, you're only decreasing the friction surface. If you use crap pads, you'll wear them down a lot quicker too. It's also known that grooved and drilled discs are more prone to cracking than standard - more so when you use eBay specials.

I wouldn't put drilled and/or grooved on any car. Only use vented when required and EBC pads for the conditions. Drilled/grooved on a RR seems pretty pointless to me.

Well the Ebc pads I'm using are top quality, and your saying," its also know that" which suggests to me you have little experience of day today brake servicing. And your missing a big point here I do not care what you think about the discs iv fitted pointless to you or not, I like them
Well the Ebc pads I'm using are top quality, and your saying," its also know that" which suggests to me you have little experience of day today brake servicing. And your missing a big point here I do not care what you think about the discs iv fitted pointless to you or not, I like them

you'll see a marginal increase in performance from your brakes compared to a race car but who cares, it's your money ;)
Well the Ebc pads I'm using are top quality, and your saying," its also know that" which suggests to me you have little experience of day today brake servicing. And your missing a big point here I do not care what you think about the discs iv fitted pointless to you or not, I like them

which is all that matters :)
I got the standard discs for mine, but do like the look of the cross drilled discs, think they look great, I don't know if they work better or not as don't fly about at a million MPH, but will say my mates cross drilled discs did get a few cracks in them but he woz on a track day and the discs were past there best.:D:D:D
Standard discs and pads are more than adequate. Of course if you want your Rangie to look really cool on Mcdonalds car park on Saturday nights, get some caliper paint along with your drilled and slotted discs which will make the apparent stopping power really improve. Please take note of the word APPARENT here.
Well the Ebc pads I'm using are top quality, and your saying," its also know that" which suggests to me you have little experience of day today brake servicing. And your missing a big point here I do not care what you think about the discs iv fitted pointless to you or not, I like them

Okay, well, once you've wound your neck back in and read back I didn't slate your choice of brakes and I wasn't one of the ones saying you belong in McDonalds or Argos car parks with your new cool brakes.

Speaking from a tuning and speed-freak point of view, something which I once was to a large degree, what I said was factual. If you remove parts of the disk, the area that can be used for braking efficiency is reduced because, well, the meta is missing. You can't argue with that. If you then use racing pads (yellow, green, red, whatever choice EBC) you need to generate heat in the pads (especially) and discs to get effective braking from that set up. The combination of heat in the pads and discs (with the right pads and discs..!) increases braking performance in higher powered cars. I can show you the maths if you like..?

I'm well versed in 'day today' brake servicing. I've done them on my previous 4x4s as well as the performance vehicles I've owned in the past, V8 muscle cars and high-powered turbo rockets. I've been there and done it.

I was simply saying there is little to NO point in using drilled and/or grooved discs on a RR or Pug 106 or Nova or whatever else parks up at McDonalds. It might look cool but the overall effect (unless your discs are suitable hot and the pads are suitable hot) will be less than original OEM. However, if they were a few quid more than the OEM's you were going for and you like the look then sure, go for it.:rolleyes:
Standard discs and pads are more than adequate. Of course if you want your Rangie to look really cool on Mcdonalds car park on Saturday nights, get some caliper paint along with your drilled and slotted discs which will make the apparent stopping power really improve. Please take note of the word APPARENT here.

Well not wrong with a bit of black paint on the old rusty calipers but it seems to offend you, so can only think you just do not look after you cars :eek:, well I like to look after my cars and don't want my RR looking like a shed :D, and wot is it with peeps keep banging on about Mcdonalds car parks then ehh, ive got two grown up lads and three grandkids, and I agree with wot you mean about cross drilled discs, but I still like the look of them.:p

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